
A whiny shitlib?

An angry boomer comment?

I swear to fucking god, why can’t we have mods to delete this bullshit?

Jesus fucking Christ.

They’re not shooting themselves in the dick. These folks are all getting paid, either now or in the future. They’re looking out for their personal interests.

Now I think you’re supposed to malign Green Party voters (perhaps endorse their lynching?) even though Gary “What’s Aleppo” Johnson got third place and 3 million more votes than Jill Stein.

I’m not meant to be implying that she said that off the cuff. But certainly children of a certain age do not  follow their thoughts too far into the future, by design, because not every kid is baby Einstein.

Hard disagree.

I’m no Marianne Williamson fan (aside from her voice reminding me of the late, great Madeline Kahn), nor do I think PACs have any place in politics, but who are you to decide what the cardinal rules are? I’m so tired of the left’s 8 billion purity tests. I thought Medicare-For-All was the cardinal rule? Or the Green

Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.

Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.

The fact of the matter is they just see it as a game. Their wealth and power will insulate them from republican barbarism and they will never feel the brunt of McConnell’s inhuman policies. Only the little people suffer and we are expected to bear it until “next time”.

Why not both? Portman Jane magical girl transforms into Gwendolyn Christie. Selvig on the sidelines yelling Sailor Moon catch phrases. 

But it's even cooler when your whole soundtrack is Bowie, in Portuguese, sung by a black man!

The Squad™

I feel like your arguments are the intellectual equivalent of, “You are worried about global warming but you own a car!?” and frankly, I’m not going to engage with that.

Lol. Most campaigns don’t have this kind of negotiation. Most camps don’t have a fucking Union.

Sure, but it’s not like he’s preaching $15/hr and only paying like $9 or something.

Yeah, it’s so awkward for a union and management to negotiate. SOOOOO awkward. It’s just something that rarely ever happens, ya know?

Cool. Better than shrugging your shoulders and printing the story like it’s the truth.