
So was the single-day boycott a misnomer because it was always planned as a two-day boycott?

Boycotting Twitch, a place that won’t earn money from you unless you actively watch ads (what are you doing without an ad-blocker in 2019?) or subscribe/purchase bits, is not a good form of activism against how warehouse workers at some Amazon warehouses are being treated. That’s why it’s slacktivism. If anything,

Sanders tweeted and spoke about the Amazon strike multiple times. If you can’t see this is a pitiful gotcha by a site that should know better than to wade into these waters, then I don’t know what to tell you.

Nothing wrong with this Old Guy’s memory.

I love Bernie’s little look when he knows what is going on and he knows he has Costa dead to rights

I am a firm believer that the one thing the federal government is responsible for with our taxes are roads, infrastructure and the military. This would include border security.

Name one problem the private sector has solved without massive government subsidies and support.   Bernie Sanders is making the sane argument that the government should stop being a tool that exclusively works for the rich and the powerful.   Your talking points are boring and played out.  

Right, because they’re exactly the same, because they’re old and male.  Good call.

But on the other hand, this movie does look like shit

this take brought to you courtesy of 2016

With the right data and market research, liberals will accept a certain level of internment. 

It’s almost like the fears we have aren’t always logical or rational. 

I agree, but I also respect people's choice to feel uneasy around large firearms. 

If you are carrying a fake firearm around in public where people aren’t expecting to see fake firearms (as opposed to a cosplaying convention) then it has to be recognizably fake from a reasonably distance otherwise you’re just asking for trouble. I played a bit of airsoft as a kid and got tons of looks from

“ With Bloodstained, there came a point where I LITERALLY accidentally happened to encounter the “final boss” without completing the game, and then finished it by beating him” 

you need to learn to separate your overemotional reactions to critiques of video games from reality. There’s nothing biased in this piece at all. It’s a generally positive review calling the game a success at what it wanted to be. He offered a critique as it stands up against modern games of the same genre and how a

Combined with the fact that every single aspect of healthcare has been intentionally shrouded in layers of obfuscatory bullshit for decades. It's almost like keeping people uninformed is a part of the plan.

Sanders killed it given that the debate moderators were obviously going after him.

The bigger problem seems to be that Americans are really fucking stupid.

I mean clearly it’s stuff like this and michael bennet’s weird rant about banning most medical treatments is basically just confusing people into thinking that this proposal just straight up eliminates healthcare. I don’t know if it’s really something you can intuit nuance from.