I just read that on some random old college friend’s Facebook status. I hadn’t been able to put that feeling into words, and now it’s the only advice I give.
I just read that on some random old college friend’s Facebook status. I hadn’t been able to put that feeling into words, and now it’s the only advice I give.
“Always watch out for the people that don’t clap for you.”
I’m in the industry, and everyone I know who knows, or has worked with Cruise ADORES him. No one is under any pressure, people genuinely just love him as a person and as a professional.
Simon Pegg has said a lot of nice things about Cruise, on a professional level and otherwise, and Pegg seems like a legit Pretty Good Dude and A Real Person. Maybe he (and Jeremy Renner, who’s done the same) have been under BIG PRESSURE from honchos/studio types to do so? But concur, my impression is that Cruise is…
I have had a hard time with this. While I think Cruise is a danger when it comes to his personal life, I hear nothing but amazing things in his professional life - he knows everyone’s name on a project, is incredibly polite, and does his job, including press tours, without complaining. For me, this (and my love of Led …
It’s interesting that I haven’t heard much about or from her actual ex husband! Either the Queen’s corgi goon squad scared him good or he just didn’t want to be cast as Trash Human of the Year and wisely kept his yap shut.
Motherfucker, decide which way you want it before you sit down for a nine-hour interview. Daily Mail should ask for their money back.
Exactly. Everything about Daddy and the half-sister screams toxic narcissistic relatives.
I made her the Duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”
Thomas Markle is toxic. Tox.ic. He is a narcissist and possibly dangerous and the only way to deal with a narcissist is to not engage.
Thomas Markle is the wooooooorsssst. How long before he stops getting paid for his interviews and ceases to exist in gossip? I have dumpster fire parents too but at least I’m not famous.
You broke the rule. The rule gets more and more important every week that this fucking year drags on. With the exception of very finite, like-minded communities like Jez or specific groups you’ve created on social media, you should never, EVER read the comments.
My mom was the same way. She always said that if they can build it and tear it down the same day, then I have no business riding it.
For anyone out there who is about to claim this is her fault or make fun of her, etc., I advise you to watch this video from 2007. It explains it better than I ever could. I posted it on Twitter too, because I was getting so mad at people making light of this.
I’m not someone who keeps up with all the gossip, but my understanding was that she was more focused on being a mental health advocate than being in any kind of rat race. She has so many fans who see her as their personal hero, and I know she’s spoken about how she’s struggled with feeling unworthy of all that…
Kinda funny too, as my Dad took me and my friend to that traveling Amusement Event, and yeah, my Mom would not have let us ride rando rides run by weirdos.
Probably better to question why child actors seem to disproportionately have substance abuse issues later in life.
As someone who spent the better part of the early 90s with a horrendous heroin addiction (lost our family, friends, and spent couple years living on the LA streets until we got our lives together- thanks to the magic of a pregnant street cat who gave us 6 lives to live for), I am sending this young lady all my love…
Also, afaiaa, Bill Gates never put a human into a Microsoft computer and sent them hurtling at high speeds off a ledge. Like if Bill Gates REALLY fucked up, I guess a computer could explode and kill someone. This guy only had to fuck up a little to kill someone.