Green Eyed Realist

IN NORMAL TIMES, I’m a pretty big defender of civility and good behavior. THESE ARE NOT NORMAL TIMES. I don’t know that confronting these assholes does any good, but they damn well deserve it and what else are we supposed to do? Just watch them all fiddle while Rome burns?

“In light of the incident, the EPA has requested several main battle tanks in case of further toddler-related incidents.”

I said this in another comment, but I’ll say it here again because I’m gray on Splinter:

He ran like a scared rabbit, because of words. She didn’t swear, she didn’t insult him, she just stated facts. Even when you’re civil to Republicans, they run and scream in terror.

She politely asked him to resign after outlining his many objective misdeeds!  Oh, the humanity!

Holy fuck, I don’t know what restaurant they’re at, but those are definitely taco holders on his plate.

She wasn’t yelling.  And, confronting these assholes whenever and wherever you have the chance is good.

He probably went ballistic on his security detail for not “taking her out”. That baby could have hiding a weapon.

Another HERO! Don’t let these fucks have one peaceful moment!

He actually looks surprised by this.  Is he that fucking stupid?  What, did he think she was going to pat him on the head and tell him how smart and handsome he is?

a frank and well mannered criticism of a public servant by a member of the public, the frothing incivility of the lefty libtards knows no bounds

It’s all relative, doxxing this pathetic piece of shit is still on a moral higher ground than advocating for the brutal indiscriminate separating of children from their parents and locking them up indefinitely.

Trump has said some pretty gross stuff about Harry’s mother, Diana. I HIGHLY doubt he’d have even semi-positively opined to his gf’s dad about Trump based on everything known about Trump and Harry. He may have said something non-commital in answer to a direct question which Markle chose to construe as he did- for 15

Meghan is a liberal feminist woman of color. No way she would give Harry the time of day if he were a Trump fan, Prince or not. And he loves Africa and does tons of charitable work there, which are not actions consistent with an isolationist view of the world.

I hear ya. I just think it’s funny that those are the ones they post and send to People. It’s one of those things that someone like Kevin James probably also does but isn’t like “And send that one to People” Like there are a bunch with me nursing in the background but those didn’t make the Christmas card montage for

Even if he fully supported Trump and/or Brexit there is literally no way in hell I believe Harry would talk about it with a man he barely knows, I don’t care who that man’s daughter is. Not happening...not today, not tomorrow, not ever and anyone “reporting” on it should know that too. It’s too bad that this man

Jesus. Meghan’s family is a straight up dumpster fire. Their opportunism is almost an art form. I think Marina Abramović has found the inspiration for her next piece.

Dead beat fathers - what can you do. This goes for both Tommy Lee and Tommy Markle. STFU and crawl under the stone you came from.

After three children, I can attest that skin to skin contact with your newborn does foster a great bond with your children. It also is the first test of fatherhood - not dropping your child when they grab a fistful of chest hair and yank it out.

There is no chance that Harry is a Trump or Brexit supporter. If anything, it was Meghan’s dad misinterpreting Harry following the family line of not making statements about politics.