I’d be wary of ever quoting Harry Houck. He’s a malicious jackass who consistently represents the worst mindset of the Blue Lives Matter crowd.
I’d be wary of ever quoting Harry Houck. He’s a malicious jackass who consistently represents the worst mindset of the Blue Lives Matter crowd.
Seems she can play as long as it doesn’t interfere with mother duties. Sigh.
That made me tear up. Thanks. :)
I gave Extant 4 episodes, hoping it’d get better. Nope. Lousy writing and wooden Halle Berry are a potent show-quitting combo.
I agree. I think some of the outrage is coming from a very American POV. Racial issues exist in the UK, of course, but it’s not the same as in the US. Plus a lot of Americans don’t know who Adrian Lester is.
“Gentlemen” — You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
There is an erotic satire out too:
I agree with the video’s message, but the execution... very meh. Also weird how the participants’ faces were pixelated but not the bystanders’. I guess I just expect more emotional power in my pro-social message videos.
Finally, some good news. This makes me feel slightly less shitty about the world.
A million stars to this!
Which sex, has the innate ability to use commas, correctly?
I pick up emotional signals so well its almost spooky. Responding appropriately, however, is often a challenge. Telling a person to stop being a turnip fart doesn’t usually go over well.
OMFG/M!!! This is awesome. So happy to read some positive news. Way to be, Meryl!
You could make the same argument about just about anything a woman “chooses” to do. When I live in a cave by myself I stop shaving. When my guy visits, I shave. When I’m in the cave, I wear comfy clothes and no makeup. In the world, I make an effort to look nice. By your reasoning I should eschew the norms of my…
I get what you’re saying. I mean, if I had 3 magic wishes, my second would be to turn the whole world secular humanist. But people insist on believing in something out there that cares what you wear and eat and do. They cling to the nonsense despite all the harm religion does. I don’t think the answer is to become…