Curry Present

That doesn't even look cool. I thought you were talking about the Japanese version of this that's coming out at the same time.

The TMNT (that horribly difficult first one with the underwater level 2) manual was pretty bad. It had jokes that went completely over kids' heads. Re: Donatello's weapon, called a bo, they made a "perfect 10" reference. I asked my older cousin about it at the time, and he was confused, but then he said, "Oh, it must

The 49ers have made it very easy to stop watching football in the last couple of seasons.

TBH, he's kinda right. Blaming FB for fake news or Twitter for racist bullying is like blaming the library for having Mein Kampf. I would bet you anything that infamous "Rope. Tree. Journalist. Assembly required" shirt was made in a foreign SE Asian country by underage workers who didn't know what they were printing,

Not canon, so it doesn't count.

Jesus Christ, that makes me feel old.

Checking FB was a mixed bag. Most of my friends were pretty distraught, and even the more conservative ones were unhappy about Trump. I did find out that my high school crush possibly voted for Trump, because Christians gotta vote Republican.

Come January 20, 2017, there will be a ban on all smart scifi movies and Amy Adams movies.

Don't forget infographics. Preferably pretty ones of a big needle moving back and forth.

I enjoy my new identity! But I feel terrible because Disqus recommended I sign up for the "President Trump Supporters" channel.

Me too. I used to be Murray—Present.