
4. You're absolutely a piece of shit (see #1).

Help catch terrorist: BAD
Help catch torrent site owner so you get more iTunes profit: GOOD

Think Different

Reminds of that time I was trying to take a routine shit in the toilet and I misjudged it and shit directly into my own mouth.

It seems the white, middle-income parent with some college education is the most likely to let their child play tackle football.

The term “homeschooling” often conjures up images of Christian conservatives isolating their ten children from the secular education found in public schools, teaching “traditional values” at the kitchen table.

Homeschooling is another of the unanticipated consequences of Brown vs. Board, like private academies and charter schools. It turns out that well-to-do white families were more than happy to destroy the public education system rather than share with others. Now they get to complain about how bad public schools are,

2 and 4.5 aren’t school age. what’s you’re doing is raising your children, not homeschooling.

“Homeschooling doesn’t *make* one socially awkward. You either are or you’re not”

This is not even close to accurate. There isn’t an innate unchangable level of social awkwardness. Kids end up socially awkward because they don’t get the experience necessary to learn how to navigate social interactions with peers. For

Everyone knows when you breastfeed for an extra 18 months, that’s where the physics knowledge comes from.

I’m not receptive to this idea because whether schooling works for parents isn’t the point. The point is to educate children. And given the relatively short shrift paid to what her children get out of this arraignment (they socialize fine! If they dont want to be inside, they don't have to be!) I think the focus is in

Because YOU not using physics or biology is a pretty poor predictor of whether your kids are going to need to, or more importantly want to have the option of, using physics or biology. If you want to make sure your kid is a potter, then all you need to teach him is pottery. But that’s pretty selfish, because neither

Counterpoint: I have never met a homeschooled kid that wasn’t weird or socially awkward. Taking them out for play encounters and day trip excursions isn’t the same as learning how to interact with their peers on a daily basis. Learning how to be functional in society is almost more valuable than the actual knowledge

Seems to me like kids still need to learn math, grammar, literature, history, biology, physics, etc. From people that know about that stuff.

Hooray, another bit of discourse in which “normal” equals “people with way more money than us.”

I mean, yeah, I could homeschool. But then I’d have to spend a bunch of time with my kids.

And in jail.

Glad Taillon is ok. So scary. He’s just laying there motionless and helpless. Could have been so much worse, ya know?

Does the obvious need stating?

...the problems that we’re dealing with at Baylor or have dealt with at Baylor to this point are probably problems at every university in the country.