
Kids’ birthday parties in the Southwest US often feature a piñata, slung over a tree limb in the front yard. Blindfolded kids take a swing as Dad or Tio hauls on the rope for grins, so most kids won’t connect even if they peek which they all do. Except the little three-year-old who plays fair and is allowed to break

I don’t know what QI is, but probably. By the way, I love DB forever too.

Albuquerque tried to get some pandas a few years back, but the Chinese withdrew their offer. We already had acres planted in bamboo, but it didn’t grow so well here in the desert in the middle of a ten-year drought. Poor little guys would have starved.

It is 2016 and we all know that Brazil nuts are radioactive. What many do not realize is that when you put something radioactive next to something that is not so radioactive, the formerly non-radiating thing will become slightly radioactive. This process, well known to nuclear engineers, is called activation. So these