
Oh wow, Baby Boom! I’m with you on Beetlejuice btw. My mom used to watch Baby Boom all the time, I think to feel better about taking time off from her corporate life to work for pennies and be near home after my dad died. Now I love it too. 

Can you get DermaE where you live? They sell it online & at Whole Foods. Totally budget-able and works really well. They’re loads better than the skincare sold at Sephora in my experience. 

It sounds like they confused her with St. Lucy, the patroness of the blind. Apparently a dude complimented her eyes so she plucked them out (probably more involved than that IRL). 

I fucking love this!!!

That’s horrifying, and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Please remember: you did absolutely 100% the right thing in cutting it off, especially at a distance. This person is not safe to be around. Do not respond to or acknowledge him directly in any way. I’d he calls, hang up. Ignore him. Keep the evidence,

It’s true! We were taking care of our friend’s cat, who was a street kitty and always quiet, one summer, and for a few days another friend’s cat stayed with us too. The second one would just go into a room and start talking loudly. The former street kitty observed quietly for a few days,and on her first day home, came

Yeah, fasting so that you don’t aspirate your last meal, or fecal matter doesn’t invade your body cavity if the wrong thing is nicked during surgery is *not* the same thing as whatever the fuck Jack is doing. I am, however, interested to see what happens when he starts hallucinating from starvation.

Oh, childcare workers don’t get paid well. It’s the company taking home the bank.

Ew. I’m so bored of traditional designs, especially the diamond solitaire. Yours sounds adorable!


I was soooo awkward too and IMO this just makes the memory of that awkwardness even funnier!

This show is so awkward and funny, and is full of so much nostalgia for me that I totally love it!! Two adults with (presumably) bound chests, playing young teens with *actual* young teens seems to be a recipe for hilarity.

It’s really popular in the U.K.. I wish I had it! 

Why do Americans seem to be allergic to under-floor heating? They don’t need that many fireplaces.

Better than the blackface-esque looks going on at Christian Cowan. 

They need to update the guidelines so more people can qualify for low-income help, metrocards included. 

Getting rid of them certainly has risen fair-beating. I’ve even been forced to do it once or twice in the years since my station got rid of its agent, and I see it much more frequently.

If the MTA actually cared about fare beating, they wouldn’t have taken out all the station agent booths so that there’s no one to help when the metrocard machines or the card readers break for the zillionth time. 

I disagree about the tone of the article but I’m with you on Andy Byford. We need to get control away from Albany.