I was looking elsewhere, I think most of these are from the pre-BAFTA party.
I was looking elsewhere, I think most of these are from the pre-BAFTA party.
Most of these aren’t the awards ceremony red carpet looks. The different backgrounds are a clue; most of the photos you have here aren’t their final looks. Glenn Close wore an Alexander McQueen gown, for example.
Ugh, I can’t wait to own a kitty (we need to be more financially stable), and these posts are wonderful! Thanks for all the cute pics!
Huh, someone’s still wearing Peter Pan collars. That surprises me more than the Beyoncé thing.
When I was a kid I asked my dad what Catcher was. He told me “that’s an asshole book,” and I found that he was not wrong.
I’ve found these services useful because I can upload the report to medical services like promethease.com.
Looks like they clamped down way too hard on the foreceps to get him out. He’s so horrible, but I don’t think it accounts for his damaged personality.
Yes!! Definitely.
That makes complete sense. I just wasn’t sure when the train to Dachau in your other comment occurred.
Like she had gone back to visit Dachau as an adult?
I. Just. Want. Long. Sleeves.
OMFG, I just realized *these damn books* are why my mother continually tells me that my partner and I should just move (sometimes with her) upstate to the country and get away from the city, how much easier it’ll be, etc. We’re always like “hmm, I know rent is high in NYC but I think being forced to drive several…
Dammit. We finally get dresses with long sleeves and *this* is the subtext they ring in.
Right? Plus having station agents on the platforms and stairs might discourage some of the behavior that’s gotten more common since they axed so many booths, like lurking harassers and people smoking in the subway.
Oh for sure. I’m a nanny, so I’ve dealt with all types; it’s also why accessibility bugs me so much. Some strollers are definitely enormous and some of their owners really don’t care about the people around them. From what I can tell, strollers get slimmer and easier to handle, lift, and fold the higher their price.
This tragedy was completely avoidable, and the city needs to step up and prevent this from ever happening again. The current situation is completely unacceptable and there needs to be some system in place where elevators are not coming. Our subway is completely antagonistic to those with disabilities and caregivers…
Or if buses you know, allowed strollers.
And in the meantime we need station agents who can help carry strollers up and down stairs. Using a chest carrier and holding bags on your shoulders and back isn’t always feasible. Buses don’t allow strollers. I know it’ll probably never happen, but they could at least try to make it easier in a system that was…
The MTA needs to station agents at stairwells to help carry strollers and escort people who need physical help. This tragedy is entirely avoidable, and I’m sure many people injure themselves trying to lug strollers with children up and down subway stairs. There are ways to make the system more user-friendly and it…