
I agree with the need to have a contextual understanding of where reviewers might be coming from (i.e., they were really excited to see it so they probably liked it a bit more than average). However, you seem to be suggesting that because of current political/health crises this film should not be getting such good

I’m delighted to see Dragapult in 11th place. Didn’t quite make the top 10, but a very solid showing.

30 years from now I will be judging the president on his or her favorite game choices and their answer better be as good as St. Vincent’s.

The clamshell form factor that turns a giant smartphone into a smaller but still useful device is perfect for those of us with small hands and tiny, tiny pockets. (There’s a reason why the iPhone SE was a bestseller—and why Apple is reportedly planning a pint-sized sequel.)

Japan uses 100 volts at 50 or 60 Hz, which is different than the U.S. (120 volts at 60 Hz). However, a lot of electronics, including many game consoles, can accept a wide range of input voltages—there will usually be a sticker that says something like “100-240V, 50/60 Hz” to indicate that. With the Switch specifically

especially since they are commonly not taught about in the Japanese education system.

Sounds like a legit complaint with a legit creator reaction.

it’s always going to baffle me why guns and violence and outright gore are hunky-dory for the wider audience, but implied sex continues to be off-limits.

We have a comics accurate costume!

You sent me down the Google rabbit hole, where there is so much wonderful weirdness. This one made me chuckle. 


I use the battery life as my " you have played too much today" notice.

Indeed. I saw Swiss Army Man and that shit was nuts.

Starring Elijah Wood as Daniel Radcliffe and Daniel Radcliffe as Elijah Wood?

Wow... I have never thought about that until now, but thinking about it makes me totally angry, too. That would have been perfect.

I am still waiting for him to be in a weirdass movie with his weirdass doppelganger, who has also followed up on a fantasy franchise and otherwise fairly normal child-acting career with some weirdass movie roles.

I really love his choices. He’s got house money for life, so it’s fun to watch him do insane, absurd, and often engaging projects mainly out of “why the fuck not?”. Can’t wait for Miracle Workers tonight.

While that sounds cool, I was tempted to just stop watching the show after the penultimate episode of s 3 and be done with it. Sabrina has always been a problematic character for me to root for, but this season she was abysmal. A stupid, selfish, self-centered whiny brat with a deeply anti-feminist bent in how all the

Now that Tetsuya Nomura is done making more Xehanorts he can get back to his true passion: making more Soras. 

This seems to be the fundamental break between me, and I suppose other people like me, and the people who have expressed frustration with the timelines. I didn’t know from the figure it out in the first episode, and I was confused, but I think that being confused is ok, and part of the process. You were supposed to