
Needs more stars

I chuckled at the thought of Yara's confused face as she arrives with the iron fleet.

I thought she mentioned something about fear and ruling? I might be misremembering because geez that was a while back. I miss the Tyrells...

The thing is, this is the very thing Olenna Tyrell wanted her to do and she refused because, according to her, she doesn’t want to be “Queen of Ashes”. But I guess at that point you can chalk it up to Tyrion and Varys still having influence over her, but still.

I nominate Sansa

While some character arcs may be logical like Daenerys turning full Mad Queen, the events leading up to it were questionable. They had to make characters do stupid decisions to speed up her full transformation. Missandei’s and Rhaegal’s death were stupidly handled. There should have been more than one battle and she

Will Kristin Chenoweth return without Bryan Fuller?

4. He’s basically a human encyclopedia and the NK can’t have someone with that much human knowledge apparently.

No problems with a Sony A1 OLED. I however had problems with my Xperia which is an LCD panel.

Arya is Azor Ahai

It’s dark but it’s not “i can’t see a thing” dark when I watched it on an OLED screen. Unwatchable on most LCD screens, sadly. Yeah did they expect people to have home theaters with no windows? Because that's the only way it can work. Add another light source well good luck seeing things.

It was... Probably Sam? I’m not sure. Could be Gendry. Bran promptly answered “I don’t know. No one’s tried.” Now he knows. As for the contrast, it looks better on an OLED, in a dark room, and clearly they only had OLED on hand when they tested it. Because it looks utter shit on an LCD screen.

Where did Ghost go?

Now the choice of song “Jenny of Oldstones” isn’t making sense that much, unless Jon and Daenerys decides to kill each other in the end.

Theon was there to delay the Night King so Arya can arrive on time, sort of. If Theon wasn’t there, Bran would be dead.

“He just turns out to be dragon proof”

Nah, the white walkers have no concept of stealth lol. That’s why they didn’t see her coming.

Not only has she been training as an assassin, and is a pretty good one at that, she was also already in the castle. So she could have easily found a way to Bran, especially with the heavy hint Melisandre gave and the fact that they knew the Night King’s target is Bran. So good on Theon for delaying the Night King

Well here's hoping for the worldwide availability of Disney+. They can't beat Netflix with just the US market alone.

The support group 5 years later.