
Also what happens to Gamora now. And is there a split timeline where Loki now has the Tesseract? Since they botched getting that one the first time.

Out of the ones that came out this is the most promising design I think. They just have to figure out how to make it less fragile, if that’s even possible for OLED. Huawei’s make less sense to me since it folds out as a square (the Fold is close to 4:3), and there’s honestly almost zero incentive to unfold it unlike

Give it a rest. It’s like they don’t see the irony of being cynical about new technology while in a technology-centric site. Personally, I like it. I’ve been a fan of 2-in-1 laptops despite the kinks of the 1st gen and look where we are at now with the Surface Pro and Surface Book line. It’s the same thing here.

Yes. Watched it early since I’m in SEA and I honestly need some online spoiler-filled fix to discuss this.

I think it’s Missandei. Also the Stallion was supposed to be Dany's child with Drogo.

Welcome to the Philippines

Giving way the budget for Ghost. We can’t have a dire wolf and a dragon in an episode.

It could go two ways. I also initially thought that the Night King is done next episode, and the remaining 3 episodes are basically humans fighting humans fighting humans, with Cersei, Daenerys, Jon/Aegon/Sansa all laying claim to the throne. But your version could work, too.

Nothing happened, but also a lot happened. No action there besides Arya and Gendry, but we did get some insight into where most of the characters are right now. All in all, it’s a great episode.

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, Easter Sunday.

4 day weekend for Christian countries, assuming the other countries also have Maundy Thursday off like us.

This is like the “Nintendo Switch issue” all over again. In that, there’s actually no issue.

It was written on the actual shipping protection film which nobody bothered to read. Not even reviewers.

Wait I’m not updated on all the US-China drama but are Huawei phones still not available in the US? Huawei is gaining popularity here in the Philippines, rivaling Samsung in the high-end market. And banners for the Mate X are popping up on the Huawei PH official site so they might be planning on selling it here.

Well they’re certainly capable of interior design so it probably wouldn’t be past them to crew a ship

Arya is Kratos?

I think White Walkers normally can't cross oceans. That's why Yara wanted to take back the Iron Islands if ever things in the north go bad. But of course the White Walkers didn't have an undead dragon back then. But most people don't know that, yet.

Bran is that one guy who always shits on parties and reunions with random facts everyone knows already. Lol but seriously the scene where Jon, Dany, and Sansa were talking and he just blurted out “We don’t have time for this” cracked me up. Like, ok sure, Bran, we don’t have time for this but we have all day to sit

And looks like she was about to threaten her new boyfriend’s sister(*) for not “respecting” her. Daenerys doesn't know the first thing about respect.

You might want to check out the Huawei Mate X