
Thor's not looking at the upper left, too. I hope that wasn't the case but we all know how these things can happen behind the scenes....

Sigh. The trilogy started ok but then it all went philosophical.

I guess we should give up hope for Knights of Sidonia S3? With all these announcements and no mention of it...

Well, to be fair Black Panther was extremely successful and well-received so Disney has that. But yeah, I just noticed. Aladdin remake has zero white people in it. Which is good, actually. Which means the casting department did some research..?

Frozen 2

Looks like a video game cutscene in some parts. Which might not be a bad thing.

“I want men in giant cock”

Fascinating. I forgot that’s a thing since I haven’t experienced it first-hand, being in Asia and all, so I’ve only been exposed to varying degrees of brown eyes. Wasn’t there a famous person with the same thing? Elizabeth..... Taylor? I’m too lazy to search for it lol.

Yeah. Not to mention the cat’s eyes are.... What do you call it. Fickle? They change depend on lighting, as opposed to regular blue or brown. It’s actually the same with humans with green eyes, or hazel eyes.

One of the things that disappointed in Netflix’ Sabrina.

I mostly meant the VFX artists but yeah it's also ridiculous how much money RDJ has made in these films.

These artists deserve so much credit and so much money for all the work that they do.

Ooh wonder how the iFold will look like. I usually like the polish they do to their hardware.

Most likely. Which adds credence that they're equally amazing games. Just unfairly compared.

I don't really care for Apple, but I reckon they won't use a technology this young. Especially if the ripple in the middle is still a glaring problem. I imagine there will have to be a breakthrough in plastic or some other material before Apple gets into foldables. Or not. They haven't done 2-in-1 MacBooks yet even

Isn't Motorola rumored to bring back the RAZR as something like you described?

Chespin evolves into Grass/Fighting.

Give Sobble depression.

One of those things that doesn't translate well when viewed from a smartphone. I usually don't have a hard time with these but.... Had to view them on a bigger screen.

It’s not that HZD isn’t good, it’s just that they’re different games but still people compare them to each other. They’re from the same DNA, I guess, so there’s that, but the end product feels vastly different that they shouldn’t be compared in the first place. I really don’t know how to put it, but that’s how I felt