
Is there a way to get the Dream Egg now?

Of Captain Planet or Avatar? I mean, there’s only so much “elements” to choose from...

My palms sweat a lot. :(

Yeah, what was up with that. I remember she spent whole seasons shouting and... well made a meme out of it. Season ender is her shouting. Season opening is her shouting. I wonder if somehow they directed her differently this time because of all that? Though I expected more than a blank stare. She could have at least

I was under the impression that they can induce winter but that makes more sense. So they were marching around, collecting dead bodies to reanimate.

Twintelle kind of looks like a dominatrix.

Uhm... I’ll just try to push Westworld harder next year, lol. I’m not interested in Inhumans, based on what I’ve seen so far. But could be nice, since it’s Marvel. Westworld might be too dark for them, and too confusing, without all the dragons and dire wolves. I guess they aren’t as invested as me but they were just

Awww.. They could have at least ended it gracefully. Well we have one more season so... here’s hoping it’s not as messy as this one.

Hmmm. Quite possible that they wanted season 7 to be final but were talked into making season 8 so they compromised and shortened both? I need a new show to watch after GoT ends. A new show to geek out with my coworkers and friends and feel giddy about like GoT does whenever Monday* comes.

Artificial scarcity for a supposedly limited edition product? It should have been a wake up call to everybody when they stopped producing the NES Mini. These are limited edition products. Plus a hot product like this, limited or not, is bound to sell out. Heck even the PS4 sold out few months in and it didn’t have

Thank you. But yeah. I wonder if they went a bit overbudget this year so they had to cut back on episodes... They did say they’re locked into 10 given the production scale but this year has just been huge... So maybe that’s why we’re only getting 7 this year? I think the story suffered a little because of it... Maybe

Is that really what happened? So HBO did really tighten the budget? Was it really planned to end on season 8? It’s weird, honestly. I mean for HBO, too. Considering it’s the final 2 season it will be a cash cow, probably even more so if it’s a full season.

Even Bran was able to go beyond the wall and back to Winterfell. And the dead are STILL marching. They’re probably marching around in circles, looking for more dead things to animate, or more alive things to kill and then reanimate later. And since the Night King can indeed sense Bran when he wargs, he’s probably seen

They have a fire sword? Maybe they’re also using that for cooking off screen?

I wonder what happened. Is she only good at shouting at people?

I mean, it also can, in show form. 7 episodes or 10, it’s still the most torrented show right now and it will last forever that way. I’m baffled at why they decided to shorten the last 2 seasons...

I thought HBO was the one who ordered fewer? Is that how it works? Or was it a decision by the showrunners?

Ooooh the new special weapon comes out on my birthday! Though I use brushes as my main so doesn’t really matter to me but it’s going to be really exciting to see people use it!

Ah, then we’re the same. HBO Asia 9am on Monday, then show it again on 9pm Monday. It just so happens August 21 and August 28 are holidays here in the Philippines so we’re quite lucky. And most people I know also watch it at 9pm when it isn’t a holiday.

Not a bad idea but I’d rather have them, or at least Sony if they haven’t forgotten the Vita exists, try to one up the Switch with a similar idea. Can drive competition more. Maybe MS can, too but I see them doing that not in the gaming space but more in the phone/tablet/laptop space, where they might try to create a