
I agree with the online thing but disagree on reliability. It was only until recently that Nintendo consoles somewhat became notorious (albeit it might be an overreaction). Gameboys were bricks and their home consoles were always solid. It wasn’t until the 3DS that people started to question reliability. Or maybe the

most gamers (90% probably) want nothing to do with Japanese game

Of all the things to complain about Nintendo it’s BotW’s single save file? It’s per user anyway and it’s assumed you don’t share a user to multiple people and it’s easy to switch to a user so it isn’t that bad at all. I honestly don’t get multiple save files though, besides trying to be a perfectionist.

Jason SCREAMER should be his new name and we should see it in every article he writes.

As far as I know GoT is shown at the same time worldwide, or is it not the case? I could see problems where, like in my case, 9pm in the US means it’s 9am here. So I’m at work on its first run so I usually get to see it Monday night.

Oh ok. That makes sense.

Was it essential to the plot like the end?

Nice hard on.

It’s jusy a trend.

I dunno, zombie bear could have easily been in the plot summary and wouldn’t make a difference for me. Like I said it isn’t really that important for the plot nor is it a big surprise. But yeah, I do consider myself... tolerant... of spoilers. I don’t mind things like these, I don’t even consider it a spoiler since

A “spoiler” is something that spoils an essential plot point. Something that will be useful in the next episode or something that impacts the whole story. Like the end. The zombie bear didn’t do that. As much as it was a bit of a surprise it isn’t the plot-defining surprise that we should all get in arms about. It’s

Everyone involved in the show just wants to get it over with. Or at least that’s the impression I’m getting. I think it was a bad idea that they shortened the season. If anything they should have gone all out in the final 2 seasons with complete number of episodes and extended time for some episodes. Instead they cut

Oh geez, I agree on the ice dragon part. Anyone who tweeted that or posted pictures of the eye is a jerk. But slightly disagree on the bear. I’m not sure if I’m too close to the TV but I saw clearly that it was a bear or some other animal with the same build and thought to myself that there’s no way that it’s a normal

The Hound exclaims within 20 seconds of them seeing something, “A bear”. Why would you even ask yourself, “is it a bear?”. Plus it already looked like a bear (could pass for a wolf, but too chunky) even before Tormund pointed and said “Look”. Why that person was way ahead of them is beyond me.

Is every detail of an episode that aired now a spoiler? There was snow. There was a boat. There were dragons. But honestly, in a show where there are dragons, zombies, zombie giants, it’s only a matter of time before we saw a zombie bear. Heck... the horses they ride are zombie horses. I can’t imagine the Night King

Well he was tired, apparently. And saying 3 syllables is too much for a tired person. 2 is ok though.

It’s later this year and I think they’re finish with most, if not all, of it.

PSN already has a history of being hacked so... didn’t take any chances. To be fair I don’t have any credit cards or anything in my account, because PSN has a history of being hacked. But still.

It was handled a bit better in her standalone series as she was suffering from PTSD and is trying her hardest, plus her guilt about Luke Cage. But now.... I’m not so sure.

LOL it just bothered me a bit at the end. After rolling around with Matt in the dirt, her face is DIVINE. To be fair even with a little dirt she’s probably still very pretty but I chuckled a little when they did a close up before the kiss lol.