
BTW, I’m totally seeing a person praying, and not just the hands, because I’m using Edge for Win10.

Wasn’t that a myth? Or they changed the spec to fit what people thought it was?

Well I won’t be watching more of him that’s for sure.

Lol the guy on the left sounds so arrogant though. Talks about a sequel to a game with excitement (Red Dead Redemption 2) and then questions Splatoon 2?

Isn’t the Switch basically that? Or does the Shield TV have the newer chips?

What what?? Apparently I lost count. Hmmmm this is turning out to be a solid game.

Me too. I’m really curious who or what Morgana really is.

They probably expect people to play ARMS for 20+ hours?

Going from 6 to 12 is a huge deal. Might make me want to pick up the game if that becomes the case.

I hope Morgana is the final boss.

Well this time the dungeons are more of an after school event so it takes up day/night and I don’t think there’re any activities at midnight lol. So it does feel restrictive in that almost everything takes place during the day/night and most of them can be done one at a time.

Yeah, I’m hoping there are secret unlockables besides the DLC.

And I’m thinking either secret unlockables or DLC. Or both.

Maybe 6. I think they’re purposely withholding info. I’m not really following the game and became only mildly interested during this direct due to the newly announced arms and character. With the way things are announced I’m guessing there are secret unlockables?

Wow Monopoly is on almost every device. Is it on Smart TV’s yet? I wait for the day we can play Monopoly on our washing machine.

They added another character called Minmin

Oh geez the infinite arrow glitch is patched out?

My mom gave away our NES. That’s the last console I had before I bought myself a DS. It’s probably why I’m hoarding Nintendo consoles now and I’ll get my hands on a mini NES and mini Famicom next week.

Swedish is also a Germanic language, so that’s why.

Human Resource Machine can be brutal at times.