
Oh my, I want the sweater, pants, and shoes. I already have the bag from the TYH edition, so I’m all set to go to school!

It’s probably why they kept it so easy and cheap for devs to port games to it. They’re holding on to that. It’s kind of working, for indies at least. Let’s see how it’ll play out in the future.

Maybe collab with some people? To help split the cost.

Oh, yeah. I thought you weren’t aware. And yeah you’re right about Unreal. Isn’t Atlus using that for the SMT game?

A new entry in the Bravely series, maybe. And maybe a Deus Ex port? If the Switch can handle it or if it can be downgraded...

It’s probably Kingdom Hearts I.99 + II.99 Re-reMiX Supreme World Into The Cunning Hearts or simply KH Switch.

Well there’s already Disgaea 5 on the Switch. I guess every Vita game and maybe PS3 game, and some PS4 games? Not sure if the Switch can handle something like FFXV but I’m sure it can handle the KH Remixes.

Well, Utada has an edge there, living in the US and all. It’s fine, really. You can understand most of it. There are even songs sung by English-speaking people less intelligible than this.

It’s not really broken English. It’s fine, she just has an accent. Even Utada has a slight accent.

They’re Japanese

It’s the same, but it’s for the tabs for the inventory, settings, objectives. Within the inventory, there are also tabs where the 2nd set of shoulder buttons could have been used. We have weapons, shields, bows, armor, ingredients, etc... The ingredients and food tabs can easily have multiple pages, it would have just

Geez. The biggest twist was the talking titan. It’s the freaking title of the episode. What a careless write up. After all the breaches in season 1 it really isn’t a surprise anymore if a wall is breached again.

Yeah, but a button to also change tabs/categories would have been nice. It’s really minor but took some getting used to as most games do have that, and they usually use the shoulder buttons for that.

It still goes through all the pages of ingredients.

Well it’s for the greater good, and if he could he’d probably rob Link of all the fame and glory just because he thinks he deserves it. The Rito are a very proud race, apparently. To a fault, even, as evidenced by Revali. Only Kass and his family were humble. Everyone else were proud warriors who think they can take

I just finished Zelda a while ago. Such an amazing game and an amazing ending. Just in time for Persona 5 tomorrow! (And Binding of Isaac on the Switch for on-the-go gaming).

I think that was it? The dungeon in P3 was meh. At least P4 had variety. It looks like P5 is a vast improvement over that.

Lol took me along time to find it.

Uhm, I guess you should speak for yourself, since you understand neither.

Started preparing food at home instead of eating out.... but it was more of a necessity since I bought a Nintendo Switch. So in short, I failed. Still, I plan to keep that a habit though. It really does save money, and good diet, too!