
Read the article. It says the fires are due to conditions that humans created.

Read the article. It says the fires are due to conditions that humans created.

Such insight. I don’t know why anyone would bother listening to the ecologist quoted in the article when they could just listen to you.

Not all forests experience wildfires frequently, and these forests will not be as good at, or incapable of, returning to their pre-fire state. This is a wet forest that has gotten unusually dry.

Yep, it’s only Gizmodo that thinks this. It’s not like the article quoted an ecologist or a climate scientist or anything.

Yep. It’s called nuance. Some places will get more rain, some places will get more draught. And some places will get both.

Not all forests are the same. Not all forests in Tasmania are the same. The 1967 and 2013 fires didn’t affect forests in the World Heritage area. The forests in the World Heritage Area are important because that ecosystem has been much less disturbed than forests elsewhere in Tasmania.

How the hell did we survive when it was all the way up to 8000?

We’re done. The meme means I’ve lost interest.

The IPCC has been debunked... Sources if you want em.

In his latest effort to remind everyone of how extravagant his life is what a piece of shit he is...

First of all that’s only one data source. Second, you’ve cherry-picked the start year. Here’s the full series of RSS data 1979-on

Or you could, you know, use a reasonable y-axis.

“A few degrees increase” is a lot. On that chart you linked to the warmest point in the last 18,000 years was 2 degrees above present. Keeping warming below 2 degrees is now seen as an ambitious and - given current mitigation efforts - unlikely target.

Yeah, but look at cumulative emissions: the US is still way ahead of China. And China has 4x the population of the US.

It’s almost like China doesn’t have 4 times the population of the US.

Uhhh... yes.

The Department of Defense said “we refer to climate change as a ‘threat multiplier’ because it has the potential to exacerbate many of the challenges we are dealing with today – from infectious disease to terrorism.”

What’s your point?

You’re going to have to try again because I have no idea what you’re talking about.