
These are all USHCN data, so just for the US. What’s the evidence of findings being a product of data manipulation for the rest of the world?

What are these graphs of and where is the data from?

Your link is broken. What/who discredited Oreskes’s study?

Yep, the guys from the Heartland Institute really stand up against papers published in Science and other academic journals that establish the existence of a consensus.

No, I’m saying “hurr Gizmodo should talk about tech not politics durr” is not a viewpoint and it writing it on every thread you don’t like is dumb.

If you don’t like Gizmodo’s climate articles, don’t read them. If you don’t like what Gizmodo publishes, go somewhere else. Apolitical gadget/technology sites exist, go there. Fundamentally though, just go away.

“Look at the data yourself” is not an answer that inspires belief in your claim. You say “This is an undisputed fact” but then can’t provide sources or detailed analysis to support your statement?

“The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has proven that man–made CO2 causes global warming. - FALSE....

What “sides” are you talking about? Repub v. Dem? People that believe in anthropogenic climate change v. those that don’t? Define your terms bro, then we can talk about whether a side demonstrates any critical thinking.

What % of human history is represented on the x-axis of that chart? It’s human history, not the earth’s history, that’s the focus of discussion.

Three of those four links are talking about a single person - Richard Lindzen. The third link is a petroleum geologists blog that makes a lot of statements that aren’t based on the scientific paper he links to.

Exactly how inaccurate do you think various models climate models are – and how accurate would they need to be to satisfy you?

It’s a form of synecdoche. When people say “the planet” they usually “human and non-human life in its current form and diversity.” Of course that’s not what “the planet” literally means, which is why it’s a figure of speech.

Ground based measurement is considered to be more accurate than satellite measurement.