Lol, Blackrock would be included in the group of scumbags who are pushing crypto to rip off illiterate crypto bros. Everyone with a brain understands crypto at this point - understands what an absurd scam it is.
Lol, Blackrock would be included in the group of scumbags who are pushing crypto to rip off illiterate crypto bros. Everyone with a brain understands crypto at this point - understands what an absurd scam it is.
Most countries SHOULD teach basic financial literacy in schools
Fuckin Jeff.
Why hide the ugly-ass beaver grille on the M4? Could it be because it has an ugly-ass beaver grille?
As I have gotten older, I have learned to not let things bother me if I am going to never think about them again in 20 minutes. More people need to go back to not worrying about other peoples business.
I have no way to know whether she’s fun or not, but she’s absolutely right. These ads are glamourising [sic not sic] the exact behaviours [sic not sic] and attitudes that are destroying our climate and environment and will be killing us at an accelerating rate. So I guess I don’t give a fuck about her personality.
Ha, what the hell is with the multiple “[sic]” notes here? That’s how they spell stuff over there. It’s perfectly acceptable.
Judaism is a religion, not a race,
According to the California Department of Insurance, the insurance company did not do anything wrong
This isn’t targeted at you specifically, but it’s truly disturbing to me at how ridiculously subservient to corporations that we as a society have become to accept bullshit like this as normal and acceptable.
NO, I did not and none of my friends did either. We did other naughty stuff but not car theft.
I don’t think he can outbid an insurance company in bribes lobbying fees.
You can tell if I calculated based on take home or not by... reading the article.
where 50 years isn’t enough time for the way things are designed or built to change in any meaningful way
What I am saying is that the CEO’s increase in total compensation (or even just the the performance based part) isn’t a good comparison since it goes up and down where as these would gauranteed wage rates.
I’d like to point out that “the 70's” was fifty freaking years ago, and 20 years ago was 2003.
Lol how do you taste anything with the boot leather flavor permanently on your palate?
I’m simply blown away that the mainstream media actually pointed this out and to their faces! For a brief, shining moment, they were journalists!!
“No one wants to work anymore!”