
The thing about me is that I’ve never been wrong in my life

This guy needs at LEAST an Excursion, but I would probably go with something with a bit more room, maybe something like this will be good.

I enjoy driving when I can actually drive. What I don’t enjoy is having what should be a 30-minute commute turn into 45 because of backups with no apparent cause, or a stalled car in one lane being responded to by six emergency vehicles that block additional lanes, or the speed limit being reduced by 10 mph because of

Many years ago, I was standing around in a small restaurant in Essex, Massachusetts waiting for a to-go order. To pass the time, I started reading a framed newspaper clipping from the early 20th century. I was about a couple of guys who had taken a trip from Essex, all the way to the West Coast of the US, using


Just lose the “luxury” pretensions, up the budget a tick and get a new Civic under warranty, or a slightly used Camry.

Yeah, this is such a weird situation that I don’t know if there is an ideal car for it. Who moves in the one of the densest urban environments in the U.S. while commuting 70 miles, and thinks about what kind of car to get first.

So she is living in NYC, but commuting 70 miles out of town for a job? I hate when people do this in these comments, but first thing should be to rectify that horrible situation, and get an apartment closer to work.

If we are really going to try to find her a car, most of these suggestions are too big to be easily

If she lives in NYC her car is going to be contact parked into oblivion. She should keep her money and her current shitbox. She should also seriously consider taking the train to Westchester. In theory it takes twice as long but traffic says otherwise.

Here’s a little secret about “adults”, they never really grow up themselves and still tend to act like Children or worse, but with more responsibilities =) And that is A-OK. Whoever tells you to grow up are mostly miserable, insufferable people themselves. Never grow up!

John Deere, obviously!   

It seems to be entirely based on vibes, honestly.

Jalopnik editors have lost something over the years. I could see the old recommendations to be stuff like this

How is anyone supposed to answer this question without a picture of Hank? While I am sure he is a very good boy, we need to know just exactly how good of a boy he is.

Park on street for now, work a little harder and pick this bad boy up

Well, this suggest to me that the ex-wife was the bread earner and she was tired of Mr. Two SUVS and a Camry and wanted someone interested in an actual mature relationship, so she kicked him to the curb with a small settlement that he’s about to piss away — which will be further proof that she made the right decision.

...I am divorced I have found myself with a little extra cash...

ATL is absolutely the best large airport in the country. Unlike the rest of the city, it has an intuitive layout.

I skip the train if I have extra time and want to get some steps in. The walkways between terminals has some interesting art and history on display.

People have to want to buy small cars.