
So you are saying high truck beds don’t matter because you just use a trailer to haul stuffs with. In that case what even is the point of a pick up truck?

Many of the truck mfrs are involved in towing wars. Higher towing limits require larger brakes, which require larger wheels. To maintain some semblance of ride quality, they need a lot of tire sidewall, which results in huge wheel/tire combos. To make that look right, they meed larger body panels.

Their egos.

Best term I have heard for them is “Emotional Support Trucks”. Let’s make it stick and maybe at least a couple of guys will be shamed enough by it to not buy them.

I think you are missing the definition of an outlier, but that is okay. We all understand that you are one.

Take that 5K and:

Great call - or just go the rally route set up and wrap in this livery

They also make fantastic bookmarks!

You know what else runs on electricity? Gas pumps.

The Electoral College US voters elected donald trump, so yes no, none of this could have been prevented using pretty much any other developed nation’s system of voting.

Not going to make a reddit login but will drop these here.

Maybe, just maybe, if your country didn’t allow everyone - including this delusional kid - to wear a gun, shit like this wouldn’t happen. Without that gun on his hip, this probably ends with the kid getting some (well deserved) fines. Yeah, he was a fucking idiot, but that clearly isn’t yet a death penalty offence.

“The system” is too busy sending me photos of a car that is not mine running tolls in a state I’ve never driven in and asking me to pay them for the violation.

I still think traffic cameras should be illegal so obscure your plate all you want.

If you’re on a public road, you’re subject to public scrutiny. Just because you think it’s OK that you commit a crime doesn’t mean you’re going to get away with it.

These people are skipping tolls too. You should care. All this does is raise your road and gas tax due to the lost revenue from these free riders.

Everybody upset by this, runs red lights and speeds in school zones. You can’t change my mind.

I live in a city which is covered by cameras. There are still some drivers who cover up their plates and they are always the most aggressive and disrespectful on the road. If they get busted then I’d be happy. I’m not sure it’s some guys job to do that, but if I had to choose a side to back it would be the narc this

Real criminals don’t do ticky tack shit like take their license plates. These people are just shitbags trying to get away with flouting traffic rules. Fuck them, he’s right. If you are so bad at driving that you have to edit your plate to keep from paying fines, fuck you and stop driving. 

For all those decrying him as “vigilante”, a decent percentage of what he’s turning up sure seem to be municipal employees. Does not seem like “the system” is doing to well at dealing with them. As to no one being hurt. Right. Toll and traffic ticket avoidance hurts no one. Except those that do pay.