This is the correct answer. 4 motorcycles can fit in the space of one car, and most people do their daily commute alone
This is the correct answer. 4 motorcycles can fit in the space of one car, and most people do their daily commute alone
My dude.... No one is trying to make you buy an EV tomorrow. But extrapolating from your own personal experience to say that everyone must be just like you is foolish.
I see they are going with the classic "don't have the front styling match the back styling in any way" as well as just straight up ripping off the Dodge Charger for the front
Garbage take tbh. Ricciardo has been clearly not at the “World Champion contender” level for at least the past 3 seasons. A couple of good results in a couple of chaotic races does not a world champion make, and going back to Renault isn’t going to magically make him a better driver.
My dude... Who hurt you?
Um... Pirelli are the only tyre supplier for F1. They take all 3 podiums every race. Unlike Ferrari
Fiat Punto. It’s like a hot hatch without the “hot”, as far as I know every single one comes off the production line already broken down, and it’s completely devoid of comfort or technology.
You vastly underestimate the benefits of instant electric torque.
2006 Toyota Highlander Hybrid. First highlander hybrid year in the US. Quality vehicle, quick, with good handling for an SUV, and still going 250,000 miles later with little more than standard maintenance.
Jalopnik typos are low hanging fruit, but I commend the execution
Ah yes, a system like VAR. VAR which is so well known for being loved by everyone and never ever being controversial in any way.
This is the correct take. The analysis performed does not in any way match the conclusions drawn.
Current generation Camaro because being able to see while driving is actually surprisingly important
Hey, I can crash your company for $1200 per hour easy. You need a CFO?
If you’re willing to accept buying cars below MSRP you have to be willing to accept buying them above MSRP. But yeah, I wouldn't buy that
You know... Tesla are behind schedule on those Roadsters... Back to their roots?
Your mom’s too nice. If I borrowed from mine and didn’t pay it back it wouldn’t ‘come out of my inheritance’, I just wouldn’t be getting an inheritance.
Why change what's working?
Cool story bro
“because you can actually see out of it.”