
Ah, the ad hominem attack. It works so well because it completely ignores matters of right or wrong, true or false, and gets right to the heart of the matter - that the user doesn’t like what their opponent has to say, but has no ability to counter the argument, so will counter the person instead. A true classic.

Ah, the ad hominem attack. It works so well because it completely ignores matters of right or wrong, true or false, and gets right to the heart of the matter - that the user doesn't like what their opponent has to say, but has no ability to counter the argument, so will counter the person instead. A true classic.

Rob, you can add the disclaimer that the phrase “crazy cat lady” is not gender-bound, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is in fact a gender-based pejorative against female-presenting individuals who do not conform to the heteronormative ideal of getting married to a male provider figure and having children.

If you’re willing to trade for a moped, your car isn’t worth $7,800

Thanks! I'm too lazy to go looking for information

Just want to say this is a good and well-balanced article, before the heaps of abuse I’m sure you’re going to get. Any details on the new proprietary battery technology? I’m far too lazy to go anywhere other than Jalopnik for my news

Is it difficult to be the only person in the whole world who has your opinion and still think you’re right?

A) If system fails, then backup driver steps in.

I think you might find it hard to find people to work there as "Man crosses road without looking 1" and "Driver runs red light 3" when they know a big hunk of metal is hurtling towards them as they do it. Surely it's better to just have the Safety Drivers of the vehicles be trained professionals with short shifts to

Wow you are capable of approximating reasonable thoughts. Maybe apply some of that to your other comments

So that's literally what driving instructors do all over the world... 

Dude how many times are you gonna keep saying the same stupid thing? When you teach a HUMAN to drive, you have a licensed driver in the car to help them out in tricky situations. Why should it be different for an automated system learning to drive? Any licensed driving instructor anywhere has had to prevent hundreds

Um... May I suggest looking out the fucking window?

Um okay... But no. Should the safety driver go to jail? Yes. Should Uber be fined? Yes. Do you let learner drivers learn to drive on real roads with an experienced driver in the car to help with safety? Yes. I’m sorry you’re dumb, but the fact is that cars are inherently dangerous, new drivers (machine or man) are

Um.... It’s not like human drivers have never killed anyone... Maybe chill a little bit? Is it important to do autonomous safely? Yes. Is it impossible? No. So as soon as Uber figures out how to keep it's safety drivers awake, go to town on testing.

I love the anecdotes not-withstanding disclaimer. But you're completely right. Except I know this guy who knows a guy and his wife bought...

I’m sad that the answer wasn't to tow a whole bunch of electric eels

And yet it’s still fast enough that there’s not all that much you can reasonably do (off a track) that isn’t illegal.

You can still get one though. And you'll be able to get the new model before the new Z, most likely.
