
I don’t want a liberal party. I want a progressive party, and so help me, I will drag the Democrats kicking and screaming to the left until they get there.

If I can get my boys looking like this, that would be nice.

I would have just given him a trash bag and made him go as reaper

Thanks, I actually used “X” as a placeholder thinking most ppl wouldn’t get the “*” wildcard ref. The fact that it ref’d an actual MK game using horror-based fighters was completely unknown to me - I have a starting point, mayhaps I can progress from there :)

Regardless of my feelings on any particular celebrity or influential figure, moments like the one above restore a little faith in the human race. I realize they’re not meaningful in any larger sense, but they’re hope and I’ll take that at least.

You know what else is famous for cheese? Cheese pizzas. Pizzas and politicians go together like Hilary and Comets. Hailey’s comet will be like a ping pong ball that passes by our planet, surely trying to doom us. Really makes you think.

If ETP and SXL start drilling again in defiance of the Army Corp of Engineers, then the Governor of North Dakota and the local sheriff will surely have to go after them with water cannons, dogs, rubber bullets, and orders to evacuate, right? Right? Because they care about laws and stuff.

I don’t like politics in my video games!

“In preparation for assuming the highest office in the land, Trump and his inner circle watched half a season of the West Wing, and think they have the gist of it now.” I made that up, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how that article ended...

How do we lose?

Those of us who are in the cognoscenti like to call it Bolivian Marching Powder. As in

My repugnant attitude towards women is making news. Who should I go to for advice? Rudy Giuliani and New fucking Gingrich.

Funding a PAC that created an astroturfing campaign across 4chan and a racist subreddit is more than just a “statement.”

Meanwhile, two of our staffers are paying for a hotel out of pocket because they failed to ask the hotel for the state contractor rate. Instead, they asked for the government rate and were told that there was no government employee discount, so they just paid the regular price.

a) We’re curious about when we’ll get to read the next installment of GRRM’s best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy saga, and the best thing about being reporters is that we get paid to rudely ask about things we’re curious about. We have zero interest in stressing our friend GRRM out, but do feel obliged to ask

Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.

That verse was alive and well in the 90s

St. Clair Shores is a GI-bill medium income suburb just outside of Detroit. St. Clair is about an hour and a half north of Detroit.

They’re the Pokemon that can learn Crush three times.

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”