
the subset of people clamoring for a Gina Carrano revival aren’t doing it because of her acting or their love of the franchise, I promise you that

the original announcement trailer dropped right around when the Craftopia disappointment was hitting iirc, and looked largely like a bunch of generic assets slapped into Craftopia to grab a quick buck

everything I’ve seen of Palworld preview builds looks pretty fun though

there are plenty of actual Pokemon clones that stray far closer to the Pokemon IP in name and appearance than Palworld - they’ve been fine

What? This story is about them releasing fixes for the game, not content. They’re doing the opposite of what you are asserting.

FO76 has perhaps ironically evolved into a game very focused on the sort of gameplay experiences Starfield is mostly devoid of in terms of exploration content.

There is ample material to do an 8-10 hour season covering events from prior to the Fall of Reach to the events of Halo 1 in a continuous narrative. There is even more material if you shoot some 20 minute flashbacks to things like the selection of the Spartan candidates, their training, Halsey litigating the ethics of

I don’t think Halo works as an example of why games and/or novelizations struggle to be adapted. The Halo show made no effort (the opposite of an effort?) to adapt the novel source material. They threw out basically everything but the proper nouns. I cannot stress enough how immense that show’s rampant disregard or

I feel that. I love the game’s cooperative implementation. I already find it immensely satisfying every time I’m trying to chart a new delivery route and it turns out the equipment I brought with me is exactly the sort of thing I need to traverse an obstacle. But it’s even cooler when you see those likes pop up,

Arguably they got even more mileage out of the original 2014 joke - Wellington Paranormal exists, and the werewolf spinoff very nearly happened, I think?

a roughly 50-hour game”

maybe if you’re speedrunning it

I expect it to be consistently uncompromising, frequently incomprehensible, and also incredibly pretty with a jawdropping soundtrack. I’m okay with that!

Hollywood didn’t get the most powerful, cataclysmic weapons in existence dropped on it - American cultural consciousness lacks the collective trauma of being subject to devastation through near incomprehensible elementary forces, so I think American disaster/apocalypse scenarios reflect that.

He’s somewhere between self-aware camp and earnest, whole hearted auteur madness, but I think it works for his projects. Death Stranding is the pinnacle of this. It’s not the best story and it’s not the best game, but holy fuck is it unique. It’s unlike anything else and it doesn’t *try* to be anything else.

In a world

Counterpoint: audiences don’t understand subtlety, so it’s okay for a storyteller to be loud about it. How many people watch Starship Troopers and come away from it entirely missing the point, for example?

I dunno - I am way more interested in watching a Hideo Kojima film than I am in watching a Death Stranding film. If those two happen to be the same film, great. This is entirely divorced from whether or not it will be a good film - I just want to see what a Kojima film looks like. The dude has earned enough creative

Since it’s Black Ops, and deep in the CIA hole, the player character WILL find the weapons of mass destruction, a whole decade early.

Hunt is great, but it’s not exactly a comparable experience to something like Tarkov or DMZ or the Division’s Dark Zone, in its time. There’s little to no emphasis on collecting loot in the match, except for what you take off dead players if you’re doing a budget run. Your entire goal is to get in, kill the boss (or

it might be obnoxious but it’s clever marketing. I only remember the name of one faceplate maker. 

It’s going to feature at least one documented war crime carried out by coalition forces and it’s going to attribute it to Russia, Iran, or China. 

These are some of the only people in tech right now who absolutely are not hurting for a job. Salesforce offered full compensation and equity to any researches who jump ship, Microsoft wants to hoover them up, and there are any number of other tech companies waiting in the wings.