
I’m sure the behind-the-scenes technical workings are not the same as Halo ODST, but the model exists - just trigger the event when the first person arrives and port everyone else.

I think what’s maybe more likely is that the game probably stops thinking about anything that’s not around the player, and they’ve had to

Glad to see a feature I paid for nearly two years ago... almost available to me. It’s a shame the incredibly predatory microtransactions and other ongoing issues mean none of my friends will come back to give co-op a shot.

I think one of the benefits of the Cypher system is it takes maybe 15 minutes tops to explain basically all of the rules and is incredibly easy for a DM to improvise on the fly with.

Back 4 Blood does a pretty good job of it, albeit without the competitive multiplayer aspect that was a big part of L4D’s long term success.

Once you hit the end game, you need to spend a lot of money to be competitive. On top of that, all the purchases are character bound, so you need to buy the battle pass multiple times, for example.

If you like Titan Quest and you haven’t played Grim Dawn you’re really doing yourself a disservice. Fantastic spiritual successor from the same team, and you can even mod it to have classes from Titan Quest, Diablo, etc. I believe there’s even a mod that fully recreates the Diablo 1 and 2 campaigns inside the Grim

I think that’s it, I just googled and it looks like you can curbstomp Hitler during the New Colossus sequence, though it will reboot you to a checkpoint if you do.

The finer points of Canadian labor law aren’t gonna match up to US labor law exactly, but most US-allies in the anglosphere have their labor laws dictated by the same corporations and lobbyists. The US is real big on gutting foreign labor law in our trade deals with other countries.

Weird, I might be mixing up my wolfensteins or inventing a memory entirely but I feel like I vividly remember a mission in one of the post-reboot titles about killing Hitler. Maybe it’s another WW2-adjacent shooter blending into memory soup.

I thought you kill Hitler in this game. Did I hallucinate that?

Vampires have always had a prominent pop culture slot. Before True Blood and Twilight, you had Buffy and Blade. We’re definitely in a new surge of Vampire stuff with What We Do In The Shadows, Castlevania, Redfall, Vampire Survivors, V Rising, VTM Bloodhunt, VTM Swansong, Redfall etc though.

I live in a historically conservative area where they still retain a significant portion of the overall constituency, and we’ve had our own school shooting. Most conservative folks I encounter don’t subscribe to the Alex Jones false flag BS, they just fixate on mental health or lack of religion or vague platitudes

I oversimplified but it’s all different sides of the same issue. Whether it’s H&K or Colt money flowing through an NRA PAC, directly into campaign contributions, independent expenditures, or ‘networking events’ for public officials.

This is a good post. Stuff like a buy back program is vitally important to steering America towards a future where this doesn’t happen on a weekly basis. I live in a town where the gun ownership rate is estimated at 2.4 firearms per individual human. It’s unhinged.

The only time conservative politicians have really supported gun control in the United States is when conservative fears of armed black people have surpassed conservative fears of not being able to buy their eleventh glock, which was about fifty years ago.

If the dead children at Sandy Hook didn’t sway them, I don’t

They’ll tell you it’s about mental health and then vote against every proposal to increase availability of mental health services, or funding for those services. It’s a load of shit.

It’s possible Fatshark actually suck at shooting mechanics and get it horribly wrong but... Vermintide and Vermintide 2 are fantastic both in terms of gameplay and faithfulness to the setting so I feel pretty confident it will pan out nicely.

Chaos Gate is great, mechanically. They follow the XCOM formula fairly closely but the changes better reflect the 40k setting. For example, you can take it slow and use cover, but aggressive playstyles are rewarded with executions that provide additional actions per turn. RNG is removed from shooting, because Grey

The original 1998 Chaos Gate game featured Ultramarines, so this is a step up. Besides that, Grey Knights make the most sense for the game and power fantasy the title is trying to achieve.

If you want some variety, the Mechanicus turn-based tactics game is also great, though not quite as big budget or deep as the new

No, it’s just gone from 100% non-functional to 50% non-functional. Half the lobbies it attempts to connect me to still time out. The issue only occurs when queuing for BTB so it’s unlikely it’s a problem on my end.