
This plus the fact that presently there are only two non-ranked playlists and no option to filter what matches you find within those playlists, so when you get the objective to kill 3 people with an oddball, for example, you’re left queueing repeatedly and hoping you will get oddball.

You are presumably not paying just to access the game early. The $120 bundle comes with the year one content pass and all the usual expensive-edition gubbins. Alternatively, folks can access it right now for $15 via the EA+ service.

With the right tune the Rally Fighter is really solid on cross country circuits and races with a lot of jumps - the suspension recovers on impact a lot quicker and it chews up sand and mud. Just takes a little getting used to with how the weight rolls around.

Voice acting as an industry has been impacted pretty hard by COVID, it’s likely they couldn’t get quality masters of the lines they needed in time for the release build.

My employer did this when they ordered a return to office work and saw employee turnover skyrocket. They gave all employees of our agency a 5% cost-of-living adjustment, which was really cool because it meant my salary went up by less than $2000 a year while our chief of staff’s salary went up over $20,000, basically

Like most technological innovations for the entirety of human existence, the folks trying to cash it in for everything they can are fucking it up. There are some potentially neat applications for blockchain buried underneath a thousand layers of grift and pyramid scheme.

this argument would make more sense if Democrats were actually doing useful things with the legislatures they control unequivocally (like at a state level in California where they possess a super majority in both chambers, every statewide office, and the governor’s mansion)

Alas, in between tweeting about the urgency

Climate change doesn’t care about class but class cares about climate change and the rich fuckers who killed us will be fine. They’re all buying property in New Zealand and such where they’ll get to enjoy a 100% renewable haven while the oceans and fires and floods swallow everyone else.

Sounds like normal fare for a Santa Clarita resident. A lot of parents used to baby sit their kids by during the summer by buying them an annual pass to Magic Mountain and dumping them there until the park closed. There are a number of businesses including a couple corporate HQs within 5 minutes walk of the park.

I had a big 40k phase in high school but never actually got into playing the game because I was shy and none of my friends would build or paint their armies.

Fast forward to the beginning of the pandemic, and I’d just reconnected with some of those same old friends and a few new ones, everyone resolving to get a 40k

Almost every previously released miniature has a useable rules entry in the current iteration of the game. Some may be equipped w/ invalid wargear if you’re using what-you-see-is-what-you-get-rules (ie. Blood Angels Death Company no longer being able to take a chainsword and bolt rifle combo) but technically even the

Not unless you run a guild (company) that controls territory. If you control a town, your guild can generate passive income by setting tax rates on crafting, trading, and property. I’m not sure how well this has worked out so far - usually guilds set their rates as low as possible to try to entice people to come to

This has been a really in your face issue since the first week. Day 1 and 2, prices were somewhat inflated as only a handful of people per server were stocking the market with higher tier stuff.

By the end of the first week, items that were previously averaging 200-300 gold per unit were selling for around 3 gold,

There are ways to address or mitigate some of the worst aspects of climate change, but given that it’s increasingly likely we’re not going to be avoiding the worst parts of climate change, something like fusion power becomes that much more important in the long term.

Indoor vertical 365-day automated farming is already

There’s a card you can get fairly early I think, which makes you immune to friendly fire and deal no friendly fire while crouching, it feels mandatory for playing Quickplay at any difficulty with FF enabled.

No, it’s just that people who want to sell them want you to think there’s a large market of people who want to buy them.

Value was the incorrect choice of word on my part. What I meant to suggest was that a turnip can be eaten and a Pokemon card can be used to play a game. They have a function beyond being used as vehicle of monetary value.

I think calling them appreciable assets is generous. Pokemon cards, stocks, and tulip bulbs all have value or confer partial possession of a thing of value. An NFT is like if I rip of a piece of paper and hand you a scrap for $10,000 while insisting it is very valuable, but then at least you would have something

Basically you bought a receipt that points to a URL someone else owns where the image in question is hosted. Yes, it can be defeated by uh, right clicking and saving the image.


Scenario: You’ve just ignored the big red warning label AND the ping from the team’s Karlee that the door you’re sprinting towards is rigged with an alarm. You smash that door wide open and a horde of walkers begins to pour through.

GET OUT OF THE DOORWAY! The sheer amount of friendly fire