
Yeah, think of it like a roguelike, sort of. If you rejoin the host and pick up that specific run later, you’ll have your cards and loadouts from when you left off.

If you join a run in progress or start a run at a later checkpoint, it seems to give you some extra cards to account for the fact that you haven’t been

In China, the government gets involved in the economy, and in America, the economy gets involved in the government, but somehow we’ve ended up with two 800 lb gorillas who are not all that dissimilar in the crushing cruelty of how they operate.

Oh, god, all the politicians, all the “people with plans”, they’re just like us aren’t they? They’re not preternaturally gifted with dealing with problems nearly beyond human comprehension. They’re not continuing to approve new fossil fuel developments because they’re cynical. No, they literally don’t know what to do

Wanna get even more depressed? Check out the Media Matters piece linked below. Climate coverage has decreased, getting a whopping 112 cumulative minutes of airtime in 2020.

It’s something I am really struggling with and I don’t know the answers. A huge number of people in my social circle are activists and organizers -

If we don’t end all new fossil carbon exploration by next year we have effectively no capacity to hit Paris Climate Agreement targets and if we do hit Paris Climate targets, we will still be living in a world unrecognizable as the same one today. Biden admin has called on our foreign oil producing friends to... ramp

Who is in your definition of climate-denier? Joe Biden and most prominent Democratic politicians are climate deniers, for example, because I don’t know how else to explain people who claim to trust and understand science refusing to do what science says we must do yesterday.

And those climate deniers are certainly not

So if something like 65% of people are never having conversations about climate change, expand that laterally to a big slice of the population across industries/professions etc and weep.

I work in government as a literal public policy guy (which includes climate mitigation and policy) and I cannot remember the last

right, I did not say anything to the contrary. Nickelodeon has plenty of money. An indie developer with one marginally successful title under their belt doesn’t have a ton of money. I have no idea how much money the publisher has, but it’s apparent they were not interested in fronting royalty or licensing fees for the

Legally, a former employer called as a prospective reference cannot disclose any information about your employment except to confirm that you worked there and when.

This is why some states are trying to implement legislation to end qualified immunity and create statewide databases of cops found to have committed civil

The EEOC “requiring” ABK to engage in activity that obfuscates the investigation of CA labor department is a favor to ABK, not a penalty.

The devs have pretty strongly implied there are financial barriers associated with Nick itself that prevented the inclusion of voice acting. They’re a small indy team and it seems like Nick was not willing to front the cost of bringing in new VA work. I’ve seen folks ask why they don’t just use audio pre-recorded from

What? It’s a developer with a long history of involvement in the competitive Smash world. The fight mechanics exhibit a strong understanding of the appeal of competitive Smash and while many character mechanics are derivative, the actual movesets are love letters to the IPs they reflect (No This Is Patrick as a down

Like most folks, I thought it was cool and novel and new when Bungie sold a disc with 9 new maps for Halo 2. It was a little alarming a few years later when Bethesda sold horse armor for $2.99.

And now look where we are.

Kotick is nightmarishly rich with the connections and owed favors that come with that and I’m convinced at this point that the wrist-slap EEOC settlement is a set up to generate headlines about ABK reaching a settlement while giving them a little tax break with those leftover funds and legal coverage to destroy more

California is the 5th largest economy in the world and the combined scale of the state judiciary, executive, and legislative branches exceed that of many countries. Individual city council members in California are responsible for governing more people than governors in some other states.

California has also, to some

It doesn’t take hours of grinding specific materials to transmog things unless you transmog a LOT of things. You get a bunch of stuff just by playing the game.

Vaulting half the content in the game sucks a lot though. I just convinced someone to pick up the game and they just purchased Forsaken at FULL PRICE which will

As a Destiny stan, I will tell you it is an incredibly stupid content model.

I’ve been something of a Bungie superfan for a long while and carried a lot of water for Destiny among my gaming group but this is inexcusable at this point and if they keep this up I don’t think I can keep supporting this company. It’s exploitive to keep deleting content that people paid for and it makes it

Most government offices don’t widely share the emails of staff who aren’t in a constituent services role, but there are also private companies that compile directories of staff emails for lobbyists and advocacy groups and nobody who works in a government position like that is immune to advocacy emails.

Yeah, this is gonna be weird. A big part of playing battlefield cooperatively has been the class dynamic. You look at that gunner and you know he can throw you ammo if you need it. You see that medic hiding in the corner and you know it’s safe to peek a corridor. Not sure how that can translate w/ the specialist