
Kotick is nightmarishly rich with the connections and owed favors that come with that and I’m convinced at this point that the wrist-slap EEOC settlement is a set up to generate headlines about ABK reaching a settlement while giving them a little tax break with those leftover funds and legal coverage to destroy more

California is the 5th largest economy in the world and the combined scale of the state judiciary, executive, and legislative branches exceed that of many countries. Individual city council members in California are responsible for governing more people than governors in some other states.

California has also, to some

It doesn’t take hours of grinding specific materials to transmog things unless you transmog a LOT of things. You get a bunch of stuff just by playing the game.

Vaulting half the content in the game sucks a lot though. I just convinced someone to pick up the game and they just purchased Forsaken at FULL PRICE which will

As a Destiny stan, I will tell you it is an incredibly stupid content model.

I’ve been something of a Bungie superfan for a long while and carried a lot of water for Destiny among my gaming group but this is inexcusable at this point and if they keep this up I don’t think I can keep supporting this company. It’s exploitive to keep deleting content that people paid for and it makes it

Yeah, this is gonna be weird. A big part of playing battlefield cooperatively has been the class dynamic. You look at that gunner and you know he can throw you ammo if you need it. You see that medic hiding in the corner and you know it’s safe to peek a corridor. Not sure how that can translate w/ the specialist

A lot of Korean-speaking folks have pointed out that the translation is evidently really poorly done, significantly changing the dialog of certain scenes despite a direct translation being perfectly possible.

I’m less concerned about how the game handles it then how the community will handle it. Games like HOI 4 have a lot of alternate history mods and some of them have more than a historical interest in some of the darker paths various nation-states could have taken.

As others have said, a lot of this isn’t really accurate. If you started Destiny 2 tomorrow, depending on how much you played, you could be geared up and ready to run the hardest content in the game within a few days to a week (though I don’t recommend playing that way, as you’ll be too focused on making your numbers

I think that’s something they’ve improved on a good bit since they started up seasonal storylines. Things like the changes to the tower (Fallen getting their own quarter in the slums, weekly character development etc) make the connection between the plot and the world you actually occupy feel more tangible.

Yeah but every headline at the time (including on Kotaku) said it was the game doing it and nobody bothered to report the actual story, or if they did, to edit their old headlines. So the narrative that lives on is that it was the game.

The “Final Shape” is a reference to the desired end-state of the universe in the Hive mythos, in which the strongest beings have wiped out everything not strong enough to stop them. It’s ultra-darwinism with parasitic nightmare worms.

I tried that but found myself having a hard time keeping track of which portal I had most recently deployed in the heat of the moment. Nothing more embarrassing than running away into a portal only to come out directly in front of the guy chasing you with a Big Fucking Bat.

In my first dozen or so games before ELO normalized, I was the only person consistently portaling and it would lead to wacky 35-2 k/ds and clean victories.

Now, it feels like my teammates have companion cubes for brains while the opposing team are all crack Aperture test subjects.

People don’t seem to wrap their minds

It’s Halo with an Aperture science portal gun. The game works because at a fundamental level many of the people playing it will be instantly familiar with the gameplay of Halo and the way the portal gun works in Valve’s portal. It works the -exact- same way, such that you can create infinite portal loops or launch

Having played a good 12+ hours of this now, it’s a really solid game. I think that if you’re playing on standard difficulty, some of the fights might feel a little repetitive against the AI given the length of the campaign versus how quickly you get new units to try out.

But from a gameplay and presentation

I’ve dabbled in every publisher subscription pass there is at this point, I think, and Microsoft’s game pass continues to pleasantly surprise me. I’ll frequently forget to check the release schedule and pick up a new title I’m interested in on steam only to find myself refunding it the same day when I realize it had a

Consider the following: If those scenes hadn’t been in the game in the first place, nobody would be in the reviews crying about how they -almost- liked the game but it didn’t give them the opportunity to point a gun at themselves and pull the trigger. Nobody reasonably would have arrived at the conclusion that the

One of the best 40k games to come out in the last few years is Mechanicus, a roguelite turn-based tactics game where you play as the tech-priests of Mars against Necrons. Not a single space marine in the game.

The Battlefleet Gothic Armada games are also very good and Space Marines are only a minor subfaction.

It’s grimdark gothic dystopia that revels in unspeakably massive scale in all things. Churches so high they have their own interior cloud systems, battles that consume multiple planets, riots that plunge entire solar systems into chaos.

One of the common themes, at least in the narratives about human characters, is the