
It’s not a contest. We can condemn Dongle Trunt and co while simultaneously objecting to a party process that circumvents the basic idea of democracy. If superdelegates are going too exist, it should be limited to elected officials and ex-officio party members. They should be obligated to vote in line with their

DNC delegations booked rooms in advance and then sent quotes to their delegates. Delegates are ‘strongly encouraged’ to stay in the hotel bookings arranged by their state DNC committees.

I’m sure this is true for some Hillary delegates, but particularly true for Bernie delegates: Many of these district/at large

Thee demand for hotels close to the convention is incredibly high. Most state DNC delegations booked hotels in advance and then sent quotes to their delegates. depending on the hotel, I know delegates who are spending anywhere from $3000 to $4000 for 5 nights, and that’s not counting the cost of food, their flights,

District level delegates have known since their state primaries ended if they were going to Philly, with the exception of a handful of folks in places like northern California where certain districts flipped to Bernie after additional ballots were counted.

Some at-large delegates have just been informed they will be

Several state-level DNC delegations passed resolutions to eliminate or limit the power of superdelegates in the 2020 election. This is what the DNC delegations do. They lay out rules and standards for the next election. Here in California, I stood two feet away as Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Christine (a pro-Clinton

There are also a bunch of actually shitty things the DNC is doing at convention. Delegates who have been credentialed by the campaigns need to attend a $200 breakfast Monday morning to pick up their DNC credentials. Some delegates were only just confirmed this past week, meaning less than a weeks notice to get a

No they can’t. They have zero case against Scott Cawthon. He is not encouraging this behavior, nor have his games indicated any connection with these pizza restaurants. There’s not the slightest bit of legal precedent here.

The Bible 2. Comes out in August.

I never thought I would see AJJ on the front page of Gawker. Huh.

I live in LA and Teslas and Maseratis are abundant. Even in the suburbs, even in lower income areas, people park them on the curb outside their homes. They’re popular with the seniors out here, more than any other new luxury car.

Most of this stuff looks like it comes from the IRL fashion world though. High-end streetwear stuff that would be called “goth ninja” on 4chan or “avante garde” in a magazine. Google goth ninja and you’ll see what I mean.

Wow, it’s like eating a buttery garlic-flavored booger.

PEASANT: Witcher, I’ve lost me kids! I sent ‘em to pick mushrooms down by the Drowner nest! I can’t find them!

GERALT: Wanna play Gwent?

Eye bet he didn’t even see this one coming.

I don’t know what you’re on about.

Doesn’t Waze do all this?

The latest word going through campaign circles explains why Bernie has not backed down ticket candidates to the extent that anyone had hoped.

No, Bernie himself has done an admittedly poor job of supporting down ticket candidates (although Hillary has as well, considering the fact that the Hillary Victory Fund is a money laundering scheme). I’m volunteering 25+ hours/week both with the Sanders campaign and a local Congressional candidate and our candidate

“They have no candidates at any other level of government” displays an alarming degree of ignorance. There are a great many ‘Berniecrats’ running on similar or identical progressive platforms.

I mean... it’s a multiplayer shooter. If you don’t find the game fun to play, don’t play it, but that doesn’t make it bad. By most metrics, it’s a pretty good multiplayer shooter. It’s certainly a blast with a coordinated team of friends. People don’t complain about League of Legends or CSGO lacking content.