
Stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine, and I guess even Cocaine are the performance enhancers of the gaming world.

I was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Adderall. It’s basically changed my life and for the first time since elementary school, I can stay on top of my schoolwork without getting distracted by

This mindset is part of the reason our prison system is so ineffective.

I’ve always wondered that myself. I take adderall 10mg three times a day as per my prescription and I definitely notice a marked improvement in my game skills when under the effects of the stuff.

Vinyl is great, because you get your physical medium, you generally get a digital download, and if you are buying from the artist directly you get to support them as well.

Most of my collection started before I had a turntable but in March I got a Rega RP-1 that I’ve wired into a pair of bigass tower speakers from my

Don’t blame the kid at the register. GS employees keep or lose their jobs depending on stupid shit like how many magazine subs they sell and how many credit cards they enroll.

You need to enable Nvidia Dongworks but it’s not compatible with AMD cards.

For the record, everything he’s saying I pretty much deduced from the gameplay footage available online. It looked like a talented team of guys who want to make a good game but popped out a soulless little thing that nobody will remember because of the constraints of developing a licensed tie-in on a very short

They’re been removing the “world” from world of warcraft for a while. When the LFG system went in, half your time was spent standing in one place in your city of choice and the other half was clearing a dungeon while not saying a single word to people you will probably never see again.

I don’t think it happens anymore but back in the day people would organize raids to kill opposing faction leaders pretty regularly and there is/was a mount you got for killing all of them in WotLK.

I have really high hopes for this film. I’ve kind of fallen off the Warcraft bus but Warcraft 2 was my childhood and I had a chance meeting with Bill Roper recently that rekindled all that nostalgia.

I saw a band called the Limousines perform at the Troubador in December of 2013. Christopher Mintz-Plasse (McLovin, Superbad) was performing as an opener with his band Young Rapscallions. He had quite a few drinks after his set and during the Limos set, he ended up standing behind me most of the show. He repeatedly

As someone who worked at one of the largest socal movie theaters for too long, intermissions fuck everything up.

Yes, DeBeers artificially limits supply. This is further complicated by the fact that Russia said it would release the massive supply of diamonds it discovered in the 80s that had previously been kept secret due a deal with DeBeers.

I feel particularly burned because this is not typical for Bungie, and as someone who has been very involved in the Bungie community for literally half of my life, I generally have very high hopes, and expectations for how Bungie handles things. Whatever happened at the studio in the last year of development that

Because so much of what was implied would be part of the Destiny experience wasn’t. Because the game we got is not the game any of us thought we would get.

Fedora apologist.

First Cloney, outfitted in a fedora and overcoat, physically tried to stop Switzer, but she avoided his clutches.

I’m aware it’s a Deadmau5 head. I thought you were assuming the cosplayer was comparing Mickey Mouse to a Tusken Raider. Now I’m wrong too.

There are so many things wrong with every post in this chain.

They're future scifi space guns. Half of them do not fire kinetic munitions and even the ones that do utilize borderline magic technology.