

The current Queen's Guard event rewards you with a legendary item for every level 24 Kill Order epic mission you complete.

I won't say it isn't as fast as finding a lucky drop, but I play a couple hours a night and have capped out my Vanguard/Crucible marks two weeks in a row.

The only pieces that require more marks than you can earn in a week are helmets and weapons.

Except for the part where you can buy legendary items from the various rep vendors in the tower with a 100% reliability rate?

That's not really a thing that can happen though. The only gametype that allows you to end up opposite people in your party is Rumble, the free for all.

Check your skepticism at the door.

Wearable computing and an overlap between real and virtual experiences (be that VR or AR or something we haven't thought of) is definitely the future.

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." — Western Union memo

What about the ones where Scalia doesn't quite believe in DNA?

Not a huge fan of the way they're dripfeeding the content when the game has been starved for new cards for so long.

I don't know what their profit numbers are like, but Tribes was probably a failure because of the atrocious business model and terrible balance.

The fact that they utterly abandoned Tribes to launch Smite goes to show how they feel about fixing their games. This is the same company that pays pro League players to play

Avoid Smite at all costs. The game is mechanically okay, but the balance is atrocious and Hi-Rez is notorious for abandoning their games as soon as they think they can make a quick cash grab with another genre.

I prefer League to DOTA2 but I've had fun with both. League feels more streamlined and is easier to grasp.



Isn't Space Engineers survival mode basically minecraft in space?

Bungie has always been really fantastic with their skyboxes and backgrounds, in my opinion. The northern lights over old Russia are really wonderful as well.

There are videos showing enemies at level 24+ so the max level COULD be higher than 20. That said, there's an NPC in the Tower called the Speaker that suggests any experience earned past level 20 is converted into Motes of Light instead, which are used for a variety of things, I think, like subclass specializations.

Technically, in that image the Last City is being rendered as a static image like the skybox, but it's the Last City on Earth. I'm sure you'll be able to venture out of the Tower and into the City proper.

That's not at all what I meant. When I say remake, I mean an actual remake in a new engine and new art-assets.

There's the Aleph One system, as someone above me has mentioned.

I worked at a movie theater and we had a handful of regular customers who were all generally awful people. We never knew their names, so we identified each of them by which serial killer they most closely resembled.

As someone who just escaped the soulcrushing wasteland that is employment in the service industry, I'm glad nobody sued us for all the times customers took offense to something stupid and insignificant or overheard us talking about a particularly rude or obnoxious customer when we thought none were present.

As a very long time Halo fan, I prefer Halo to Titanfall anyday.