
Moral of the story. Let whites run shit, become paet of OUR great culture and no problems withh arise....

He also won a majority. of states 96% of all counties, and take away the illegal votes in CA, Trump clobbered Hillary in the election lol... know they covered  for Obama because  he was a manchurian candidate right????

Hhorrible policies? Ugh...have been under a rock? lol

Report is out, no more indictments. No collusion, no interference, ever. No Russian anything. This was a big hoax to cover for Obama, Brennan, deep state, Hillary, Soros, Podesta, liberal pedophiles, MSM nazi propaganda, and literally a coup against the greatest POTUS since Reagan.

Hmm..No drugs tolerated. illiteracy non-existent, very, very low violent crimes committed, graduation rate 98%, life expectancy over 90...just saying...

Well she, like most in the entertainment business, is a worthless, low IQ, nothing. My goodness, people worship this, but not Drs? Garbage... folk. Flailing and calling it dance. I guess whites dont have time for that ish and are leading the world because we are sending ish to MARS and not wasting time on useless ish..

.....he is still a BUM compared to the men and women in uniform... just saying...

OMG you snowflake. Nazi were people who fell to the trap of a propaganda genius...Hitler was the Obama of the 30s and 40s. is your group of COD cucks lol...wpuld never say this to a Veteran’s face...ALL WANNA BE HEROES...NONE WANNA MAKE THE SACRIFICE LOL

Damn right brother! Everyone who thinks like this guy is a pus*** who is literally jealous they experience sh** through COD and not first hand...

Oh shut up...thats not what its about. Less than 5% actually see combat or kill someone. I learned so much from my time in, plus free college, a good paycheck at 17, jumped outta planes, worked with john dollar pieces of equipment, made life long friends, got to go to places very few have been. Yes war is part of it..

This is pathetic lol. When I ETS’d back in 2011, the Army had gotten baby sh** soft as is. Now they want a whole bunch of lazy, entitled “gamers” lol. C’mon man...I could not see myself downrange with some gamer loser with bullets flying....ugh....

Man...sometime these thots need to get smacked down and out in their place...its 2018..leta bring it back to 18 A.D.

BFII was and is still trash lol

Then why do liberals try to silence opinions?? HUH??? ANSWER ME YOU NAZI SCUM!

Dead Eye’d everyone’s gun outta their hands, no murders, hog tied em’ all including the female...walked away scott-free...gotta use dead eye APPROPRIATELY

.....the greek in this game us me...Gamoto Kiratoso...di monistu muni vlakai!