
Honestly you aren’t in any position to be rating other people’s responses. You can act as pretentious as you want, it still doesn’t change what you are.

The whole thing with the white man’s burden is that it was used as a justification for colonial powers to do what they wanted which is what you are defending. Do you really think they did it for altruistic reasons or because they wanted money, power and free labor? We raped, murdered and enslaved so that we could save

Shouldn’t you focus on solving the problems of your own society and let people from other places focus on theirs? This is just an excuse racists use to keep the status quo and not look at themselves in the mirror.

wow that is seriously the most fucked up thing i have read, and you even got 42 stars for it too! Yeah we really invaded Afganistan to save the barbaric locals from raping their young boys and oppressing their women. We get to do anything we like do non white people since they’re fucking savages that need to be saved.

dumbest argument ever. Go look at how the Americans treated the Nazi prisoners after World War 2 and their reasoning for using that approach and you’ll see how ignorant you are of the history of your own country.