
Haha, the trailers are as homogeneous as the films they advertise…

It's you hipsters that allow this kind of stuff to run rampant…

Also, I think this is just a marketing ploy to get the hipsters to stop drinking Pabst

I boycotted that product years ago… mainly cause it's crap

I'm going to miss Cloumbia House's "Get 12 CDs for 1 penny" deals

Where can I pirate this?

Yeah, they're not considering the backlash factor

This genre NEEDS killing

Can we get another Spiderman reboot, I don't think we've had enough of those

Will this be as good as Estar Guars?

I need to start working on my jazz hands for the audition.

When are they going to reboot 'I'm gonna get you sucka'?

Flourish the pinky!

Before, I was all messed up on drugs….now I'm all messed up on the Lord.

But will it play my old 5" floppy of King's Quest?

Everyone know movies shouldn't be judged as movies…