
Not to mention how petty it is to compare a game that came out 10 years ago with ~$50 million dollar budget, to this HBO production with a $100 million budget PER EPISODE. It should be better! Plus having the intro develop so fast and not answer many questions is a narrative decision I agree with. It’s a video


This is second degree murder and anything less is an injustice

THIS is the correct way to be an ally

“It is akin to driving a 1960 Chevy Corvair 100,000 miles without incident, then being forced to buy a new Volvo because some new laws states that cars over 100,ooo miles are unsafe, THEN getting into an accident on the way home and suing the state/federal court for forcing you to change in the first place.”

It’s too late. This is gonna turn those lunatics over to Alex Jones

She only caught so much hell cause she’s a black women, and for some reason when a black women messes up, we demonize them way worse then anyone else

As of now, I’ll be referring to R. Kelly as Robert Kelly, denying him as an artist and instead as a criminal.

That haircut though

I believe this is apart of a larger issue, which is how people treat discussion of these complicated subjects. The common technique is to avoid these discussions at all costs and treat anyone who brings them up as unpatriotic buzz-killers.

This fact isn’t implicitly clear. You stated that black people are roughly responsible for the death of 11 officers in the past decade in Seattle, and then say white people have killed more. I would advise you to include the numbers that state this.

If she wasn’t royalty with the entire English personal guard, I would recommend a restraining order at this point

I feel like I’m the only one that sees President Publicity-Stunt’s publicity stunt.

47% been showing up lately

“This phenomenon applies a tremendous weight on the shoulders of black people—black women, specifically—to be the perennial North Stars for justice and righteousness for liberal white people, while liberating those same white people from developing a moral and social consciousness of their own.”

I wonder if this has anything to do with Disney’s upcoming streaming service. I know that the marvel and disney movies are slowly being pulled, so it seems the shows are following suit.

So, with these instances that are basically “/r/”s, this sounds like a better version of reddit

Fuck that. This guy has blood on his hands cause of his negligence, and I refuse to let him brush it off as a conspiracy theory.

So they’re arguing the absurdity of diversity in a kids show, while not realizing how absurd they sound arguing about a kids show. Looks like self-reflection is banned on the right, just like inconvenient truths.

If he didn’t do it, then he knows who did.