
haha, nah, just a disgruntled buffalo fan. Y’all forget the first half of his career, before he was cool. He kind of quit on us because we liked Fred Jackson better. I do remember when him and Marshawn were busted for “drag racing”, would love to party with those guys. Their clear disregard for public safety is pretty

I wouldn’t say cancel everything out, just not super crazy about the Lynch circlejerk. I would say that any absurdly wealthy person who get’s behind the wheel and blows over is possibly not a “teriffic guy”.

I gotchya. Wasn’t trying to bring race into it. Not american, we use the word not as racially specific thing. We just kind of use it as term for anyone who breaks the law with any frequency. Won’t be using that term anymore, didn’t realize the word was a racist euphemism, my blissful ignorance has made me look dumb

sorry, I take DUI’s more seriously than most, had a close friend killed by a fucktard. Marshawn is a great guy, totally can’t avoid driving fucked up when you make as little cash as he does.

words and being quirky speak louder than actions.

only when driving

he did have a gun possession charge, a dui and hit and run. Like, I understand he’s a cool guy but still clearly super reckless.

If your’re a cool black football guy. Old rich white guy does this.... 

He does have a DUI and a hit and run and gun possession charge, great dude.

Exactly. We have this terrible circle jerk joke in Canada that basically goes something like this: “rabble rabble, but at least our BEER is BETTER”. Shiner Bock smokes basically anything up here.

Ok, the joke makes no sense, because the US microbrew scene is way better.

Lol Molson sucked before 2005

lol! if your opinion is “not right”, you will be silenced.

I have never understood this joke, Canadian beer is fucking shit. Molson is terrible, blue is worse.

Jays fan here. Shittiest fan base in sports. You have dudes here who would die for the team but don’t know basic shit, like how baserunning works. It’s fucked up.

SHUT THE FUCK UP. Or I’ll fucking light you up with a bud lite.

Lol, bushel worked, and it was ultra quirky! This is blogging Check out the Ringer if you want journalism.

Meh, it’s not as bad as Deadspin nowadays, shit used to be fun here, now this website is simply the digital embodiment of PC Principal.

you’re totally changing the argument to fit your narrative.

Butt stuff is underrated