I’m sure Breitbart is just chomping at the bit to make an offer and turn ABC into the second 24 hour all-white supremacist network. Fox News being the first of course.
I’m sure Breitbart is just chomping at the bit to make an offer and turn ABC into the second 24 hour all-white supremacist network. Fox News being the first of course.
Dead Bath & Beyond
The original big three in Miami all were inspired by Kobes work ethic at The 2008 olympics. There’s a great Wade interview (I’m a lifelong Heat fan so I watch those) where he says everybody showed up for the first breakfast on the first day not sure what to do at 7 am, and Kobe walked in with ice packs on his knees…
I think TJ Miller thinks TJ Miller is above having regrets so I’m not sure about that.
So...is it just my computer or does that gif really suck?
Because Zach Snyder had a lot of say in the development of the DCEU at the time, and he wants Frank Miller to fuck him with every fiber of his being.
He definitely has what he’d consider an erection.
Somehow I just know that he has a group of people who stand in the bathroom with him every morning to applaud like that after he shits.
I know someone who’s getting laid tonight.
So he’s Sicilian?
Those Black Panther costumes - just WOW! The colours, the textures - utterly beautiful.
Yeah I misread, I thought you were saying you were 2/3rds of the way through S1 and it was awesome!
Are you sure he isn’t just really constipated?
God, I wish he was doing something else - Watchmen is played out - but if anyone can make me do a 180 it’s Lindelof. Dude is a genius. I didn’t think The Leftovers sounded too fruitful when I first heard about it being adapted either. Can’t wait to hear more, but I’m kind of hoping it morphs into something without…
so The Leftovers prequel? and Dr. Manhattan sent 2% of the population to Mars... everything fits now.
Lost. Whether you’re a whiny hater or not he created an entertaining and compelling world filed with great characters at an epic scope.
According to Paul Simon:
Doesn’t look like she was disappointed
Say hello to the latest member of the CW’s roster of comic book heroes: Jefferson Pierce. But as the first trailer…
It’s MacFarlane. You know no matter how good a 2 minute segment of an entire season is you know it’ll be stale for the majority of that run.