Photo looks like Evangeline Lilly after very unfortunate facial plastic surgery.
Photo looks like Evangeline Lilly after very unfortunate facial plastic surgery.
I’m saying the Lebron tended to shy away from taking the last shot or being the man when it counted (lots of YouTube video of this, including the infamous All-Star game where Kobe, on the other team mind you, chided Lebron for not taking the last shot when he had the chance.)
Happy to see they aren’t saddling Evangeline Lilly with that “I’m a powerful business woman and you can tell my my hairstyle” hairdo.
Lebron has better skills than Kobe but he didn’t have the stomp your neck to beat you mentality until recent years. Kobe had it from birth. Lebron saw Kobe’s work ethic when they played on international teams together and it ignited something for him.
Finn and Rose’s journey in the Last Jedi—which will see a reluctant Finn, with a star-struck Rose at his side
Based on real life, apparently.
Rams traded the future to get Goff, and he sucked as a rookie but that’s hardly an indication that they should have signed Kaep. Kaep would’ve sucked too with that team.
All shows make it up as they go. Shows on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox do it even more as they are completely beholden to ratings on a month-to-month if not week-to-week basis. It’s hard to plan out five years of stories when you don’t know if your show will make it through a season.
How is a baby born prematurely when the mother is 9 months pregnant?
Why would you want to feed evil dead birds?
They should make him a metahuman. It would explain how a person, even if he is super buff and rich, can take and give extreme violence and not be out of action for great periods of time and forced to give it up after a year or two at most.
TJ Miller is not particularly funny. His character on Silicon Valley was enjoyable but I can think of a few dozen other actors who could’ve done it just as well or better. His stand-up special was terrible.
Sucks on iPhone too.
That first movie was pretty damn terrible. I’m up for a re-do. Imagine if Hollywood gave up after the first shitty Fantastic Four movie. Oh wait...shit.
Not a fan of Cavill. Not sure if he just isn’t quite right for it or if everyone pales in comparison to the standard bearer Christopher Reeve. I think I even liked Brandon Routh better than Cavill even though his Superman movie sucked as much as Cavill’s have.
Jesus Christ. Look at his stupid face. The applause for that probably made him happier than the birth of his kids.
Yep, the Doctor’s Daughter’s father is the Doctor’s child’s grandfather and the Doctor’s Daughter is married to the Doctor and they have a daughter.
He’d make a good Doctor.
Photo by...Jaap Buitendijk?
He has a mutated version of Skittles Pox.