Great House Dagoth

IPAs vary wildly in style and taste. "West Coast" style indicates something different from "Hazy/New England". How is it fake?

Strong take, I approve. We would have also accepted Hot Fudge Sundae.

I reject this notion that Dhelmise has little battle utility.

Taskmaster! You can watch every episode on YouTube.

It’s definitely out there. Googling “wap explicit video” should lead you to the promised land.

He isn't, at least to my knowledge. But I'm not gonna tell people how to describe their own ethnicity.

I know at least one Hispanic guy who referred to himself as “Spanish” so I imagine it’s use is more widespread among Hispanics/Latinx than you'd think.

I’m really surprised by the praise I see for this show, because I honestly thought it wasn’t funny, was overly edgy, and was offensive (as you noted) at times. It also has a lot of weird takes on characters that just seem random. Like I don't understand why Bane acts like that.

Eh I’ve seen established commenters do the same, I guess to make sure it gets seen. It's annoying but I don't think it's malicious.

And then there’s Rutter’s in the center part of the state.

I read that comment and immediately remembered that wonderful Onion article.

So I know I’m fully capable of ignoring the Gigaleak articles, but I have to ask... am I the only one who doesn’t find these nearly as interesting as everyone else seems to?

I think that’s because McKinnon has like two impressions for all old white men (which, fair, but still): rat-face/evil elf, and bloated dandy.

Regenerator numbers among some of my least favorite Abilities.

I did the exact thing that should have given me this bug, but I had no issues. Playing on cart, if that makes a difference.

Ah that sucks. If you have a not-ancient PC or laptop, I think it’s like $10 for GOTY version on Steam.

I think the hypocrisy would result in my body rending itself in two. So uh, good for her being able to drown out that cognitive dissonance somehow?

Well, crave moreso than usual lol.

Yeah I would definitely chalk this up to fewer carbs. Which would probably explain the candy. I know I’m craving candy or beer after a meal of protein and vegetables and few if any carbs.

I feel you. I rarely crave junk food if it’s not in the house (ie. my apartment), but my gf usually keeps her place pretty stocked. So now I get hooked on it when I’m at her house, and crave it when I’m at my place because I don’t keep it around. It’s agony.