
These posts never, ever got old for me.

Whoaaaa, is that image of Colin in the bathrobe and cap from a copy of GQ from like, 2002 or something? I saw him in Tigerland and then bought that issue of GQ when I was like 14. He stole my heart and never gave it back.

This skirt is combining two of my favorite things - sparkles and clothing that Cher Horowitz could have feasibly worn in Clueless. So A+. This looks like it was an awesome show!

I think it's the buildup for wedding rumors over the years that kind of killed the interest in this cover. They have been playing this faux-coy game of "are we married or not?!" for so long and taking these ridiculous political stances with their prospective marriage ("we're moving our family to France to protest the

As a lover of intricate prints, I'm going to defend this collection and say that a lot of these pieces are actually really beautiful. Wearing maybe one of the super busy separates with like, dark jeans or a blazer or something would probably lead to a more classic look, but I'd wear the hell out of this suit thing

Chambray Toms sound very hard to clean. :( Like Keds!

It's true! This is the best denim on denim I can recall.

I feel awful bitchy complaining about a teenager, but I can't handle her "modeling face". It's such a boring and static (?) look. She is the least interesting of all of the Kardashian's, so maybe that's why she's "exceptional" enough to walk for all of these well-known designers (don't humor that, I know the real

Lol wut? The only thing that could make this outfit look more ridiculous would be if there was a giant Mickey Mouse on her sweatshirt or something. The skirt is pretty though.

I agree with you to a certain extent, but I think that a giant beer company coming out in support for more scrutiny over the handling of the Ray Rice situation lends a lot of credence to those who want the NFL to take domestic violence more seriously. When you've got the company that sells Budweiser of all things

"14-year-old-Hot-Topic-looking ass"

Oh no, you didn't seem acerbic at all! I have a habit of sounding a bit more strident than I intend to, haha.

Oh, I just think that it's funny that these two fairly young, inexperienced actors are being cast in roles that require a lot of vocal coaching. I've heard American actors pull off other accents fairly seamlessly, but it's a little jarring to have what seems to be a full British cast and then have the main character

Honestly, I think she traded up in the looks department. Kenneth Branagh never did it for me.

Oh interesting, I hadn't heard about that case. Hopefully they're taking the bad press as an indication that they need to change their tune.

It's very true!

The anti-corporate lefty in me wants to be snarky and dismissive, but I'm glad to see that at least one incredibly wealthy and powerful business conglomerate in this country can see how poor handling of these kinds of events can hurt their bottom line and take actions to fix it. That's a pretty impressive statement

Ahhh, that's where I recognized him from! I was racking my brains for a few minutes.

I don't know why so many people are itching to get the Fanning sisters to act with British accents, but I don't think it's a great trend. Hopefully it's not to distracting, it seems like it will be a good role for her. And hurrah to Derek Jacobi and Robbie Coltrane making appearances! It looks very pretty, I may

That's exactly what I was thinking. It's a pretty insipid translation. The sleeves and cape were the best part of Elsa's gown!