
Yeah, I think that a lot of Pete's storyline seemed really slapped together in the last couple of seasons. The best stuff that he had was with Bob Benson, but all of his affairs and the disintegration of his relationship with Trudy really didn't seem organic. You're right, the writing for Beth's character was terrible

I can see how that would happen and I hope that they're happy and have a nice, long relationship. Idk, some of the casting in the last couple of seasons really baffled me but Alexis Bledel is kind of known for being a terrible actor so it surprised me that she was included.

Good luck to them and everything, I wish them well, but Ugh! Their Mad Men affair was THE most awkward and boring relationship I've ever seen on that show. I don't know how Alexis Bledel could have gotten hired for that role.

Oh come on, Rowling is responding to the horrific trauma of a young fan in a very sincere and touching way. She's an author, not a medical charity. Should Christian Bale have been on the hook for the medical bills of the people he visited after the Aurora shooting?

There are large public education campaigns underway in all three of the affected countries (Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia), yet many of the people that are at risk of contracting Ebola choose not to believe that it's a communicable disease either because they are wrapped up in conspiracy theories about their

The serum treatment that the Americans received is experimental and will probably never be a widely produced or distributed treatment because there is no way to do human trials on it. It can't pass FDA regulations (and the drug regulations for many other countries) without showing a certain amount of effectiveness in

Yeah, it's certainly a concern for people who are unaware that they're dealing with a severe illness like Ebola. It is highly contagious as far as blood/fluid borne viruses go, much more so than HIV. However, people can only transmit the virus when they're symptomatic and most U.S. international airlines and major

The main reason that a lot of the medical staff in the affected areas have been burying the bodies rather than burning them is because they are trying to attempt to ameliorate a lot of the rural populations that they are working with and accommodate their burial traditions. Most people in these areas attend the

Reading a brief NPR description of family members of the afflicted wandering in and out of quarantined houses in Sierra Leone made me want to cry this morning. I just don't understand how people can't understand why these restrictions are in place. I mean, I get why they don't believe it, but it's so hard to see it

The doctors and medical staff who are dealing with this epidemic in Africa are getting infected because they are using a lot of suboptimal protective equipment and not completely complying with all of the safety protocols necessary to protect yourself in these field quarantine hospitals. They must wear layers of

This is the definition of trashy, right?

That's a horrible story, I'm really sorry that you had to deal with such an asshole.

Omg, that one on the bottom is killing me, hahaha. So much posing. Is he sitting in the back of a giant Toyota Corolla or something?

There is totally a hot Scotsman that's all the rage on Game of Thrones right now!

"In today's Tweet Beat, we learn that Joe Biden was a hottie back in the day"

Yeah. It sounded like a whirwind trip. On one had you could chalk it up to youthful indiscretion, but on the other hand I know that she's really grateful that nothing terrible came out of it.

I don't have any tattoos personally, but a good friend of mine was in an obsessive clique back in high school and as a graduation thing they designed this weird looking oblong symbol with arrows (for each of the group members) pointing out of it. They were all supposed to go and get it done in the last few weeks

Hahaha, your hyper-sensitive, hyper-defensive vindictiveness couldn't be more transparent. You must have quite the divorce story.

I think that sheer black lace/tulle/whatever overlays are getting a bit played out, but this dress is magnificent. It looks incredible on this model.

Actually, I just looked it up on IMDB and she's been working quite a bit. I guess I just don't pay attention, haha.