
I initially thought this had something to do with Kazaam. I was confused. :(

I know nothing about YaYa beyond her participation in ANTM, but she looks like she'd make a great Whitney Houston. This is like, the only casting biopic choice that I've been 100% behind from the get-go. Is she a good actress?


Yeah, I definitely felt that if there was going to be a plus-sized winner that it should have been Toccara. She was great and she had a lot of really beautiful pictures. Whitney is nice but her body of work was so blah. However, Toccara was in a pretty tough cycle and I was glad that Eva won. I'm glad to hear that

Noooo, this is made out of rubber bands?! I spend about 80% of my indoor time walking around my house naked except for a blanket wrapped around my middle, I was hoping that this was going to be an answer for my slippage problem! It looks like the coziest couch throw ever.

To be fair though, she went through quite a few visible weight fluctuations. At the time she was having her dalliances with Kennedy she was probably at the thinnest she'd been since very early in her career (mostly because the only stuff she was consuming regularly were pills and champagne). She was quite a bit

I forgot about Fatima! She's gorgeous.

The stills from the interview look so much better than her Twitter pictures (which are verging on Photoshop of Horrors territory). It looks like her surgery panned out well, I don't know why she's going through and messing with her social media photos even more. It looks bizarre after the retouching.

Well, I'm glad that she's happy running a restaurant because she was a terrible model. All of her stuff was really boring and vacant. Her whole stint on the show was proof of Tyra's mantra that being a beautiful woman doesn't make you a good model, which is why her win always struck me as bizarre. She seems like she

Well I suppose that it's awesome that you seem to have posted days after I did, and since I am the originator of this thread there are no other "previous comments" by you here for me to have seen and read. You seem to be a fan, great for you. I don't think I was being especially bitchy and it's hard to deny that the

There are tons of people up in arms about edibles and the possibility of increased teen usage of marijuana, do you read the news? Have you been following the weed debate in Colorado since legalization?

Well, coming from a home with two lifelong smokers as parents, and extended family who all smoked, in a small town where pretty much everyone smoked, I can say that I actually have quite a lot of experience when it comes to being around those who are addicted to cigarettes. I have certainly seen some of the negative

Jesus Christ....


I don't think she really has any grounds for this lawsuit, does she? She didn't create the video, the video wasn't stolen from her, and I'm assuming that she knew that she was being filmed at the time that the video was made (although perhaps she didn't, which might give her suit a bit more weight). It's not her

*And by "this sort of education" I meant abstinence-only education. Reading that again I can see that I wasn't being very clear.

I don't care if you're a virgin or not. I'm not engaging in a "defense mechanism" against you, I'm pointing out that you're making an argument against the promotion of teen sex where none existed. This candidate opposes comprehensive sex education, and the article pointed out that the candidate's own daughter is an

No one is promoting teen sex. That's not what comprehensive sex education is about. You can't claim to have some sort of knowledge about the dynamic shift that sex brings to relationships when you've never had sex, or been in a relationship that involves sex. I don't even know why you felt like you need to share your

This guy seems to have taken modeling lessons from Sam the Eagle.

No I'm not. I'm not saying that this guy is unfuckable because he's older or ugly. There are lots of middle-aged and older men that people find attractive and sexual. I pointed out his age to underscore the hypocrisy of his condescending attitude when he explains that the only way that 42 year old women can be