
Man, I am so sorry you had to deal with that asshole. :(

She is so pretty, I love this gif.

Unless you've been vaping weed for your whole drug history I doubt that you've been doing your lungs too many favors either. Regular smoke inhalation of any kind damages and irritates the lungs and pulmonary system. There are plenty of people losing their minds that readily available edibles and marijuana legalization

The part of me that enjoys terrible Lifetime movies and parts of the Twilight franchise thinks that I might enjoy this. The part of me that was enraged when I read Into the Wild will probably hate it. Can anyone who read the book give me some insight into whether this story is basically just a female version of the

She did that movie where the kids had to walk across the African desert when she was like 14! She's totally prepped for this.

And yet, somehow I don't think that Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Garner, Mya Rudolph, Christina Applegate, Sofia Vagara, et. all are clamoring to find 56 year old Tom Junod all that fuckable.

It is terrible, but I think that the cultural phenomenon that it's created alone is probably the reason that it gets so many awards (aside from costuming and set design, which are always incredible). The first season was actually pretty great (though still an obvious period soap opera), but after that the writing and

I get that it's hard to choose from a show with such a huge supporting cast, I get that Tyrion is an important central character and I get that Peter Dinklage is a fantastic actor, but for fuck's sake will they ever nominate anyone else from that show for this award? He's been their choice for every season so far,

Rape kits are not forced on the victim. They are a voluntary procedure for collecting physical evidence after a sexual assault. This is the forcible sexual stimulation of a teenager by the local government. The teen is also being coerced into letting law enforcement take nude pictures of him (the exact "crime" that he

That's awesome, I'm glad that your office was able to do that for you. I've noticed how much more terrible I feel since I've started an 8-hour a day desk job. I've gained even more weight and just feel achy in my back all the time. I long for the days when I could walk all over campus for classes again.

I love this one so much. This whole collection is gorgeous (if a little played out at this point), I want to float around in castles in these.

This is what gets me, I don't see why it's just the boy that'd getting all the heat here. I'm guessing that wherever this occurred that both teens are under the age of consent, therefore it's not like it's some sort of statutory-rape or predation on the boy's part. Jesus, 15 and 17 is frequently the difference between

I was going to say...

I just could not wrap my brain around this headline for some reason. The first three times I read it I kept seeing "Bored by Gulls" at the end part.

Haha, yeah, I suppose I can see that. I think it's a little funny that they advertise that they're doing a "100% natural" photoshoot when they have the light blasting on her so bright that you can hardly make out her facial features anyway, but oh well.

I think a lot of it is the light wash of the jeans and the white background. The lighting and acid splotches and such really blend in with the white in a lot of places, so her legs look like they're slimmed due to that. I bet if you saw it without the wash-out lighting they'd look a bit more normal.

Why? All clothing marketing is aspirational, there's a reason people wouldn't want to buy clothes that are advertised with a schlumpy, unkempt or exhausted looking model. Even plus sized models are glamorous and beautiful - no one wants to buy clothes if the model looks like the buyer feels in every day life.

She makes these pants look great. I'm so glad that they didn't slim anything down.

What? Like Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Kate Upton, Adriana Lima, Ciara, etc. couldn't all be considered "skinny" in a real world setting. They're all skinny, all adored by men. There is definitely a standard of attractiveness that most men ascribe to, whether or not they have proclivities for certain bodies types beyond

Oh jeeze, she was such a cutie back then, haha.