
It is a great song! I've always been partial to Jet, but that one makes its way into my Wings playlist pretty frequently as well.

You know, it's funny - I've never really cared much for the Beatles but I really like quite a bit of his work with the Wings. Maybe that had something to do with the amazing love songs that he wrote for Linda at the time, or the influence of the other band members, but beyond all of the sappy 70's nonsense that they

"Basic Bitch" = Female version of "Bro"?

That's what I was thinking as I scrolled through some of the GOOP recipes. Yes, you will need to get out some kitchen utensils and chop and wait during cook time, but they're not unreasonable for the most part.

I don't get what this article is supposed to demonstrate - that Gwyneth is so out of touch that her meals are ridiculously hard to cook (which they aren't), or that the author is completely inept in the kitchen (which she claims not to be). Look. I'm rather overweight at this point in my life. I know that it's because

To be fair though, his big turnaround didn't happen until he was a bit older than Lindsay and he had serious Hollywood heavyweights giving him breaks after he showed a desire to finally get on the right track. Yes, he probably was more talented and self-aware than Lindsay, but he also spent his 20's early 30's as a

This photo blew me away. The dress is perfect, her makeup is perfect, her pose is perfect, the lighting is perfect. It looks amazing.

Well, in context, the character was making a comment on how a person should treat one's social inferiors. In the case of wealthy, notable white men like Gibson and Oldman, pretty much everyone could count as their social inferiors. The discussion was mostly based on social/class status, rather any other supposed

I never liked Gary Oldman for Sirius and now I know why. He may have been terrible to Kreacher, but he never would have pulled some bigot nonsense like Oldman did in that article!

This top is so cute. I've never seen the whole flowy tunic thing work out so nicely in a plus-size pattern before. I love Modcloth! They have great plus-size swimsuits too.

I've driven hours to get a beautiful bowl of Hungarian mushroom soup. So delicious and worth the price, plus the $30 in gas that it took to get it.

There seemed to be a definite "entitled princess" attitude that the people who brought into that image had, and that brands like Juicy courted, which was really grating and obnoxious.

THANK GOD. I hate Juice Couture, just like I hated all the kids in high school who thought they were hot shit with their fugly velour track suits and ridiculously gauche Coach bags. It was such a stupid status symbol. I enjoy wearing real pants when I leave the house. I'm so glad that my school wasn't dorm oriented

Do you have any idea how many 3rd party nations we used to host our nuclear weapons during the Cold War? Do you realize that they agreed to host Russian nuclear weapons only after our country tried to invade and depose their existing political structure? Can you name one serious act of aggression on the part of the

You can't be too stupid, haha. I don't think I've ever gotten a B on anything math-related ever and I was always stone sober.

This is such a great look. I am completely in love with her gown and it really flatters her shape. She looks super glowing and regal.

You know, for as much emphasis as Dr. Phil has put on "relationship reconciliation" or whatever, he's actually emphasized that point on his show before. It definitely needs to be more widely disseminated knowledge though.

They're all overpaid, all the players do is run around a pitch chasing a ball all day. Cristiano Ronaldo earned $73 million dollars last year to train and play soccer, and that's along with all of the informal celebrity benefits that these guys get. It's an incredible waste of money all around.

No, it's not weird. The best thing about "football" culture for me is all of the hot guys. The worst thing is the fact that all of the hot guys are overpaid idiots. So, as an American, I am content to watch from afar.

*Hate. I should have tried to edit it earlier. :(