
Actually ... I know that someone (Goodyear?) had some awful tires with colors in them a while back (for reasons!) ... wonder if they could put a layer of color in (or make the tread colored and the under-layer black) so that when you’ve worn down to dangerous levels, your tires literally turn red...

...those are speed holes, they make the car go faster, for real!

My take on the trademark thing was that she just didn't want fast fashion chains like Forever 21 and Wet Seal to sell clothes with those phrases on them. Which they absolutely would have, and probably put them on TSwift lookalike mannequins, with high waisted sequined shorts and bright red lipstick.

Green. All Green Ferrari garage.

winter is coming, and you’ll need a good way to grill indoors.

winter is coming, and you’ll need a good way to grill indoors.

Ahahahahaha. I never thought this gif could be applied to anything other than dick pics, but you have proved me wrong. Get Justin away

Well then. That escalated quickly.

Like a glove.

America’s first mistake in this war was bringing so many guns.

How about YOU sign up to be the guy who goes door-to-door, demanding Americans give up the guns in their possession?

you make good bullet points without any bullet points

First of all, let me say you just wrote what would be an AVN award winning porno plot. I’d watch said film.

Probably the only rub that was had.

I’d argue the site was pure genius. The guy managed to get millions of unfaithful husbands to give him thousands of dollars for doing absolutely nothing as he had managed to trick them into thinking the site was full of women.

“What’s a dating/hookup site good for if nobody dates or hooks up?”

Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.

Twice in your life? You sound real fun

Now that they have a good Samuel L. Jackson head sculpt, can we get a Pulp Fiction version?

But there was something different about Paul O’Neill. I can’t quite put my finger on it but he Worked hard, played Hard, was really Invested in the Team, and was Everything else you want in a teammate.

Bad stuff (whatever it is*), but my semi-informed impression is that a number of lurid events initially blamed on bath salts turned out, after toxicology results, to have been caused by good ol’ PCP.