Winnipeg Jets rookie Patrik Laine’s 17 goals in 32 games puts him third overall in scoring this season. After last…
Winnipeg Jets rookie Patrik Laine’s 17 goals in 32 games puts him third overall in scoring this season. After last…
Are you referring to the uniforms or just allowing the Rams themselves on the field?
I think Burns would be less intimidating if he wore a wookie mask full time.
Word on the street is Carrot Top is scared of the competition.
You own that car in Virginia? You must be nuts.
They call it “The Marchand”
That's just what good linemates do.
After a long wait, Johansen and Forsberg have finally unveiled their new synchronized triple overtime goal celebration.
While i agree it would have been nice if the expansion divisions had had 3 original 6 teams and 3 expansion teams each, among other things the geography wouldn’t really have allowed it...and so while it’s a little bullshit that powerhouse squads from the original 6 were all of a sudden eliminated in the semis, and a…
You weren’t standing there over him chirping him the whole time he tried to clean it. So why would he taunt you for getting the job done?
Exactly, hold his diploma until the cost of the recall and reprint is paid for, even some therapy to help him make better life choices. Hardly worth putting him in jail and or on the sex offender registry and ruining the rest of his life. He didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t rape anyone, he didn’t even hurt anyone, could…
I’d be interested to know what workplace this is not safe for? Pearl clutching testing facility?
That’s the worst Islander blast to the face since Mary Jo Buttafuoco.
That was like seeing a unicorn, a beautiful, meatball-shaped unicorn.
If he were a real Patriots fan, he would have cheated on the breathalyzer.
You’re a moron if you think that every single team doesn’t pay each of these stereotypes to play for their team. Most certainly not meant to absolve, but merely to prove a point: you honestly think Shaw’s the only one that uses that language in the NHL? You think Keith is the only ‘goon’ left in the game? Kane is…
Only occasionally? You’re a stronger man than I.
New Jersey has more horses per square mile than any other state.