great ep

I just checked this out upon reading your comment, it's crazy hearing them be all somber at the very start and realising they're talking about the end of the Streak, before shit really hits the fan. That was one whirlwind week of being a wrestling fan.

On My Dad Wrote A Porno, James' deadpan "trade union boss Andy Milston there" after Andy's comments about "big-titties Matilda" is the most I've laughed all season. That podcast makes me look like a nutjob on my commute every Monday morning.

I liked Reflektor a lot but I'm kinda ready for this Achtung Baby/Zooropa hey-we're-also-fun period to be over and for them to put out a solid back-to-basics record. Which if my haphazard U2 analogy is in any way accurate, won't be for a while.

Kulap posted a photo of the Scotts at a recent U2 show on Instagram so hopefully there'll be a studio ep before the live one.

Demi seems happy enough to end the podcast for now sadly. Amy'asnew Amazon show got a two-season pick-up though so I'm assuming the podcast will pick up again in some form for that.

Since Gilmore Guys became Bunhead Bros I've found myself skipping it. Not so much because of the guys themselves but rather my total indifference to the source material.
Also skipping My Favorite Murder a lot since they've been releasing more and more live episodes. Again not so much because of the ladies themselves,

I'll look it up, thank you!

What's the book title? Sounds very much up my alley.

Fateful Findings makes The Room look almost subtle in its lack of quality. Its climax may be the most jaw-dropping thing I have ever seen in a movie.

I love the phone punishment so much, and the bingo one. Putting Sal ), who seems like the nicest guy, through situations where he comes off as a total asshole is the best fun. If you haven't already check out the fan video of him and Joe opening for the Imagination Dragons, the bits they cut out are hilarious.

If it helps, I went to Mania 31 expecting it to be a bit shit based on the build and it ended up being a great show.

Well if the goal of your apology was to make me feel like more of a dick, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

(In Kelly Bishop's voice) Demi.

Slumdog won 8, Gravity won 8, Hurt Locker won 6 and oh dear god it's Saturday afternoon and I am correcting someone on the internet i am so sorry

Booker-HHH happened already at WrestleMania 19. It did not go so well.

The "you suck" chant is purely affectionate. Angle even played up to it when he was a face.

Perhaps. I would prefer the long-rumoured Cena match though, just to see the dynamic between the two. Also Taker's feud with the Wyatts that went nowhere, and did little to help Bray and the rest, still leaves a slightly sour taste. They do seem high on Braun right now though so maybe it could be a good stepping stone

I don't think I can comprehend the reception Roman would get against Taker at Mania.

That random cutaway to Strowman during the Taker promo has me worried about Taker-Strowman at Mania. But I could be overthinking it. WWE in general has such a stacked roster right now, relatively unplagued by injuries (hopefully Balor will be available again soon) that they could have one hell of a Mania this year. We

Coming up on 900 movies on my Letterboxd so I want to hit 1000 this year, which is doable.